PBX Platforms - Quick-Start Installation Wizard on First Login
The Getting Setup Wizard was designed to allow you to get your PBX setup with basic configuration within a few minutes. The goal here is to provide just a basic setup. You can modify and expand on what the wizard sets up for you at any point.
Step 1: Time Zone & Email Setup
System Time Zone- Pick which time zone you want the PBX to use.
System Email Address- Optionally change what email address the PBX will appear to be sending messages from for things like fax to email or voicemail to email.
Step 2: Main DIDs
Main DIDs- Here you can pick 1 or more of your available unused DIDs to be your Main DID(s). We will next ask how you want to route calls to these DID(s).
Press the X next to each number that you want to exclude from being a Main DID.
Outbound CallerID Number- Selected DID will be used for CallerID on all outbound calls from extensions without a Direct DID.
Local Area Code- Area code to append for 7-digit dialing. If left blank, nothing will be appended. (ex. dialing 555-1212 with a default area code of 323 will call 323-555-1212)
Step 3: Extension Setup
Starting Extension- The extension number you want to start your users at. It will increment by 1 for all the users you have purchased licenses for.
Extension Count- The quantity of extensions you want the system to auto-create, starting with the "Starting Extension" above.
Shared Email Domain- Each extension will need an email address for things like voicemail to email, fax to email, and password reset notices. If all your users share the same domain, such as "@sangoma.com," then you can select "Yes" here and define the domain. If you do this, your users will only need to provide the first part of their email addresses up to the "@sangoma.com" part for example.
Step 4: Extension Details
Name- For each extension, you can optionally set a name that internal users will see when receiving a call from this extension. This will also show up at the top of the extension's phone.
Email Address- For each extension, you need to set the email address associated with this user.
Voicemail Password- You can optionally change the voicemail password here.
Administrator- If set to yes, this user can log into the PBXact Admin Panel.
Direct Dial DID- If you want a phone number to ring directly to a user's extension, you can choose from your purchased DID (direct inward dial) numbers here.
Step 5: Define Your Business Hours
Would you like incoming calls treated differently outside of business hours? -If you set this to yes, you can then define your business open and closed hours, and route calls to different destinations based on the current open or closed state for your Main DID(s).
Current Time- Shows what the PBX sees as your current time.
Start Time- What time your business opens
End Time- What time your business closes
Start Day- What day of the week you start your week
End Day- What day of the week is your last work day
If you need a more complex time routing setup, such as different hours for different days of the week, just accept the default here. Later, after the wizard has completed, you can go into advanced mode and set up more complex routing in the PBX GUI - Time Groups Module.
Step 6: Business & After Hours Preferences
Time- "Business Hours" or "After Hours"- This shows whether you are setting up call routing for Business Hours or After Hours.
Send Calls To - You can pick between a Ring Group and IVR. This will be where the system routes calls during the timeframe shown above.
After you make your Business Hours selection and press the Next button, it will ask you to set up the After Hours destination.
Ring Group
Extensions- Which extensions are part of this ring group. All extensions listed here will be called when a call is routed to this ring group.
Send Unanswered Calls To- Where to send calls if the ring group does not answer the call. Your options are either an extension or a voicemail box.
Greeting- Here you can upload the greeting that will prompt callers what options they can press when they enter an IVR (interactive voice response menu). For example, "Press 1 for sales, press 2 for support..."
Allow Direct Dial of Extensions- By default, when callers enter the IVR, they can dial any extension to be connected to the extension. You can disable this feature here.
Option 0 thru 5- Where to direct callers when they press keys 0 through 5 on their phone keypad. You can choose from the following destinations:
Extension- A specific extension
Voicemail- A specific voicemail box
Another IVR- An IVR with more options, functioning as another "layer" in your menu structure. For example, if the user pressed 2 to speak to sales, the next IVR might ask to "Press 1 for new car sales and 2 for used car sales."
Ring Group- A ring group that will ring multiple phones
Directory- The directory helps callers find someone when they don't know the extension number. Callers can enter the first few letters of the name to search for and be connected with an extension.
Step 7: Finish
You have now completed the Wizard Process and can press the Done button.
You can now connect your phones to your PBX. Please review our PBX Platforms - Connecting Sangoma Phones to your PBXact Cloud system wiki.