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Table of Contents


The channel group object defines incoming and outgoing attributes for a group of channels. The Channel Group object allows the user to specify a set of attributes such as IP Profiles, routing tables, translation tables, etc to be assigned to the specific channel group being configured. See Field Descriptions section below for a list of attributes that can be assigned to the channel group being configured.


672 per EMS

Related Topics

IMG 1010 - Creating a Channel Group

IMG 1010 - Configuring H.323 Routing

IMG 1010 - Configuring SIP Routing

IMG 1010 - Configuring SS7 CIC Routing

IMG 1010 - Configuring ISDN Routing

IMG 1010 - Configuring CAS

ClientView Pane for Software (10.3.x - 10.5.0)


The Incoming Translation Table field identifies any Incoming translation tables that the IMG will use when performing digit translation or error detection on any incoming calls received on this Channel Group. Select from drop down menu the translation table to be used for any calls received on this Channel Group. For the translation table to appear in the drop down menu, an incoming translation table must first be configured. Refer to IMG 1010 - Translation Table. If multiple incoming translation tables are configured then there will be multiple incoming translation tables to select from in drop down menu.


The Cause Code Mapping Table field is used to modify an incoming cause code. The default is when a cause code is received, it is transmitted without being modified. The cause code can also be modified. Through the use of the Cause Code Table and Cause Code Entry objects, the cause code received can be matched and then modified. After the cause code is modified it is transmitted to the outgoing channel group with the modified cause code. Select from drop down menu the cause code table that will be used to modify the cause code. A cause code table and cause code entry must first be created. Once they are created then the cause code tables will be displayed in drop down menu. Refer to IMG 1010 - Route Table/Cause Code Table/Service Route Table for more information on creating a cause code table.


The Outgoing Translation Table field identifies any Outgoing translation tables that the IMG will use when performing digit translation or error detection on any outgoing calls being transmitted on the outgoing channel group. Select from drop down menu the outgoing translation table to be used for any outgoing calls being processed through this Channel Group. For the translation table to appear in the drop down menu, an outgoing translation table must first be configured. Refer to IMG 1010 - Translation Table and IMG 1010 - Translation Entry for configuration information. If multiple outgoing translation tables are configured then there will be multiple translation tables to select from in drop down menu.


Alternate Odd / Alternate Even (from 10.5.3 SP6) - The IMG selects the outbound (CAS or ISDN) channel based on the channel number being odd or even. For SS7 the odd / even selection is based on the SS7 CIC number. Refer to Alternate odd/even hunting option in a channel group for more information on functionality and limitations.


True - When field is set to True and Alerting is received on the outbound channel the IMG will generate Ring-Back to the inbound call. Setting this field to true will also override the default mapping of the 18x alerting message (With or without SDP present). The IMG has additional rules regarding ring back when Progress indicators No. 1 and No. 8. are present. For information on this additional functionality, see Suppress Local CPT when CPG Indicators Received

When Alerting is received on the outbound channel the IMG will generate Ring-Back to the inbound call. Setting this to true will override the behavior of mapping 18x with or without SDP. In software version 10.5.3 rules were added as to when ringback is played. The following link displays the new scenarios added: Suppress Local CPT when CPG Indicators Received

False (Default) - When Alerting is received on the outbound channel the IMG will not generate Ring-Back to the inbound call.


If Play Treatment is selected in either the Incoming or Outgoing Treatment fields above then the treatment selected in this field will be the treatment played if a call fails on either the incoming or outgoing channel groups. The NFS server must first be configured. Refer to Configure NFS Share. The Treatment Table field will be populated with all available Treatment Tables configured. The Default Treatment Table is configured with ID:1. If custom Treatment Tables are added they will begin with ID:2


The following fields relate to Overlap Signaling:

See Overlap Signaling (Receiving) for more information.

Overlap Enable (Receiving) ISDN, SS7, H.323 and SIP


Enabled: By enabling Overlap, this will allow Overlap Sending of destination address digits. In this case each received IAM and subsequent SAM messages will be interworked to a  series of INVITES each containing all the destination address digits received to that point, similarly when the SIP interface receives a series of INVITES, each containing more destination address digits than the previous one, these will be mapped into an IAM, SAM sequence with each message containing only the new digits from the latest INVITE. See Overlap Signaling (Sending)

Termination Digit

When Overlap signaling is enabled, the IMG will collect digits until one of the termination digits selected in drop down menu is met. The termination digits are displayed below. The default termination digit is the pound sign (#) character.


True - Support the digits 0x0a through 0x0f for translations and routing.

Refer to Digits 0x0A to 0x0F Support for more information.

Channel Transfer


In the case of SS7 to SIP calls, if IAM is received that does not contain a Calling Party Number or the Calling Party Category is set to unknown, the IMG can be configured to send an INR (Information Request) message back to the SS7 network requesting the missing parameter. The SS7 network will reply with an INF (Information Response) message back to the IMG and the information will be interworked into the outgoing INVITE message. Refer to Calling Party Information Retrieval via INR/INF for more information.

Disable (Default) - IMG will function normally and will not send INR (Information Request) back to SS7 network.


In this case, 4 channels will be reserved as Incoming Only. For more information, refer to Dynamic Channel Reservation


Monitoring Fields

Field Name

Field Description


The ID number of the Channel group the stats are being displayed for.


The Name given to the channel Group that the stats are being displayed

Signaling Type

What type of signaling this channel group is using. (SIP, H.323, SS7, ISDN, CAS)

Incoming Calls

Total number of incoming calls coming into a specific channel group over a period of time set in the 'Stats Frequency' field

Incoming Answered Calls

Total number of incoming calls answered on a specific channel group over period of time set in the 'Stats Frequency' field

Outgoing Calls

Total number of calls going out of a specific channel group over a period of time set in the 'Stats Frequency' field

Outgoing Answered Calls

Total number of outgoing calls answered on a specific channel group over a period of time set in the 'Stats Frequency' field

Average Hold Time for Answered Calls

The average length of time between the moment a caller gets connected till the time the call is released

Total Channels in Channel Group

The number of channels that are configured for a specific channel group

Channels in Dialing State

The number of channels that are in a dialing state at that moment in the channel group selected.

Channels in Answered state

The number of channels that are in an answered state at that moment in the channel group selected.

Channels in Disconnecting state

The number of channels that are being disconnected at that moment in the channel group selected.

Channels in blocked state

The number of blocked channels that are in an answered state at that moment in the channel group selected.

Channels in Idle state

The number of idle channels at that moment in the channel group selected

Channels in Out of Service state

The number of channels that are Out of Service in the channel group selected

Stats Frequency - (Default: 5 min.)

The interval of time in minutes which all the stats above are taken. This interval can be changed by changing the STATS_FREQUENCY line in the Defaults file located at /opt/dialogic/GateControlEMS or opt/cantata/GateControlEMS if running software version 10.5.0 or earlier.
