Title: | JCT Programming | |
Owner: | Nathaniel Halbrooks | |
Creator: | Nathaniel Halbrooks | Dec 20, 2023 |
Last Changed by: | Kelli Higdon | Apr 04, 2024 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://sangomakb.atlassian.net/wiki/x/I4GZAg | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (12)
Alarm Handling in Global Call
CSP ec_stream does not return: use ec_rearm with caution
Delay in playing a file using dx_playf
Device Discovery Tool
Getting a recording on Linux - ISDN
How to modify the behavior of CST tone events
JCT - How to modify tone definitions
Minor audio corruption may occur while playing or recording on some JCT channels
Setting DXBD_MINLCOFF to 0 disables LCOFF events
Setting MWI via NCAS ISDN call on JCT boards
Alarm Handling in Global Call
CSP ec_stream does not return: use ec_rearm with caution
Delay in playing a file using dx_playf
Device Discovery Tool
Getting a recording on Linux - ISDN
How to modify the behavior of CST tone events
JCT - How to modify tone definitions
Minor audio corruption may occur while playing or recording on some JCT channels
Setting DXBD_MINLCOFF to 0 disables LCOFF events
Setting MWI via NCAS ISDN call on JCT boards
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