Play Sound

This action plays a sound from the Sound Manager to the caller. If you want to play sounds recorded by the caller, use the action ‘Play Recorded Sound.’

  • Folder. Select the Sound Manager folder where this sound is located.

  • Language. Select the language for this sound. Current Language is the default and is the language that was previously set in the IVR. The default is English.

  • Sound to Play. Select the sound to play. This sound is interruptible. Check this box if this is interruptible. For details, see “Interruptible Actions."

  • Play Sound: Advanced Options. If you want to decide which sound to play based on a sound ID stored in a variable, click on the Show Advanced Options link. This lets you select variables that have been previously created using the ‘Set Variable’ action.

  • Make sure that the value in the variable is a sound ID from the Sound Manager, or this action will not be able to play the sound.


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