Send Call Values To URL
This action passes call values to the URL of a processing script. That script can return XML containing a set of values, which Switchvox can save in variables.
URL. The URL can include IVR variables or System variables. When using an IVR variable, make sure that a previous action has assigned a value to that variable, otherwise nothing will be inserted into the URL.
To add a variable to the URL, select it from the appropriate Possible Variables dropdown, then click Append. The variable will appear in the URL field. When the URL is requested, each %VARIABLE_NAME% is replaced with the value of that variable. For example:
This script might verify the account number and pin, then return a set of XML that includes the account information. XML and Returned Values. If your script returns a set of XML with values that you want to save and use, you must enter the variable names in the boxes labeled 1 through 8. After Switchvox sends the call values to your script, and collects the return set of variables, those variables and their values are available for use on this call, in this IVR menu.
The following is a sample DTD for the XML response from your script:
<!-- Switchvox PBX IVR xml DTD -->
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!ELEMENT ivr_info (variable+)>
<!ELEMENT variable (#PCDATA)
<!ATTLIST variable name CDATA #REQUIRED>
The following is a sample XML response from your script:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE ivr_info SYSTEM "">