General Configuration Options


All the latest NSG (Dated : 17 March 2015 onwards) releases's WebGUI will have General Section within Configuration Menu as present at Side Vertical Menu i.e. NSG-GUI -> Configuration -> General in order to configure general parameters for Driver/SIP/ISUP as shown below:



 General section contains general global parameters for Drivers/SIP/ISUP that are needs to be configured based on the requirement

Driver Configuration

General configuration comprises of driver related parameter like Hardware port RJ45 map that can be configured either in LINEAR mode or DEFAULT mode. Hardware port RJ45 parameter is used to enable or disable linear port mapping.


How to Configure Hardware port RJ45 Map via WebGUI?

  • Select General option from side/top Configuration Menu (NSG-GUI -> Configuration -> General)

  • Then change Hardware port RJ45 option as present within Driver header to LINEAR/DEFAULT as shown in the below image and then select save configuration.

    NOTE: This configuration is only applicable for A108 cards


SIP Configuration

General configuration comprises of sip general parameter SIP-X Header that can be Enable or Disbale as per the configuration.
SIP-X Header parameter is used to include SIP X-Header in sip messages when enabled.

How to Configure SIP-X Header via WebGUI?

  • Select General option from side/top Configuration Menu (NSG-GUI -> Configuration -> General)

  • Then change SIP-X Header option present within SIP header to Enable/Disable  as shown in the below image below and then select save configuration.


ISUP Configuration

General configuration comprises of ISUP general parameters like:


    • Enable/Disable ISUP INR(ISUP Information request) messages

  • ISUP User Message Priority

    • Set ISUP message priority i.e sets message priorities of ISUP messages like IAM, ANM, ACM, REL etc. based on the configuration

  • Automatic Congestion Control

    • Enable/Disable Automatic Congestion Control feature based on requirement

How to Configure ISUP INR via WebGUI?

  • Select General option from side/top Configuration Menu (NSG-GUI -> Configuration -> General)

  • Then change ISUP INR option present within ISUP header to Enable/Disable and then select save configuration.

How to Configure ISUP User Message Priority via WebGUI?

  • Select General option from side/top Configuration Menu (NSG-GUI -> Configuration -> General)

  • Then change ISUP User Message Priority option present within ISUP header to Default/All-zeros/All-ones  as per requirement and then select save configuration.

How to Configure Automatic Congestion Control via WebGUI?

  • Select General option from side/top Configuration Menu (NSG-GUI -> Configuration -> General)

  • Then change Automatic Congestion Control parameters as present with in Automatic Congestion Control header under ISUP section

    • Automatic Congestion Control feature consists of various parameters:

      • Auto Congestion

        • This prameter can be Enable/Disable in order to enable/disable automatic congestion control feature

      • Call Control Rate at Congestion Level 1

        • This parameter sets the percentage % by which calls need to be blocked when congestion level reaches to level 1

      • Call Control Rate at Congestion Level 2

        • This parameter sets the percentage % by which calls need to be blocked when congestion level reaches to level 2

      • Traffic Reduction Rate

        • This parameter sets the percentage % by which call traffic needs to be reduced when REL with ACL 1 is received with T29 timer expired and T20 timer still running

      • Traffic Increment Rate

        • This parameter sets the percentage % by which call traffic needs to be increased when congestion ends at peer node untill it start allowing 100% traffic

      • Max CPU Usage

        • This parameters set the maximum CPU usage limit after which node is considered to be as self-congested

               Once all Automatic Congestion Control parameters are properly configured as per the requirement select Save Configuration as show below:

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