Netborder SS7 Gateway - XML CDR

Netborder SS7 Gateway - XML CDR

NSG Supports CDR Logging to a XML formatted file. To activate this follow the steps below:

  1. Edit /usr/local/nsg/conf/autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml and uncomment the line below. Notice the <!--  --> is removed.

Before: <!--<load module="mod_xml_cdr"/>-->

After: <load module="mod_xml_cdr"/>

  1. Edit /usr/local/nsg/conf/autoload_configs/xml_cdr.conf.xml to set the CDR loggers configuration options. 

  • Set the log-dir option to the absolute path using <param name="log-dir" value="/usr/local/nsg/logs/xml_cdr/"/>.

  • You may want to enable the b leg logging by setting 

<param name="log-b-leg" value="false"/> to true. 

  • Or change the log directory from the default 


  1. Restart NSG to enable the logger then test and verify the logging is working as configured. 


Extra Info 

  • Ensure all files are saved before restarting NSG

  • For more configuration options see 

mod_xml_cdr | FreeSWITCH Documentation


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