Netborder SS7 Gateway - RADIUS CDR

Netborder SS7 Gateway - RADIUS CDR

To enable the RADIUS CDR in NSG follow the steps below. 

  1. Edit the file "/usr/local/nsg/conf/autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml" and uncomment the line "<!--<load module="mod_radius_cdr"/> -->". To do this change the line from "<!--<load module="mod_radius_cdr"/> -->" to read "<load module="mod_radius_cdr"/>"

  1. Edit the file "/usr/local/nsg/conf/autoload_configs/mod_radius_cdr.conf.xml" and ensure the acctserver is set as shown below. 

<param name="acctserver" value="$${radius_cdr_host}:$${radius_auth_secret}"/>
  1. Next edit the file "/usr/local/nsg/conf/nbess7.xml" and you will see the two lines below showing the IP, Port and the secret (password) of the RADIUS server. Once the correct info is in the file for your server save the file. 

<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="set" data="radius_cdr_host="/>   
<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="set" data="radius_auth_secret=testing123"/>

*Note: Normally port 1813 is used for RADIUS accounting, port 1812 is used for RADIUS authentication normally. 

  1. Now restart NSG, you can do this via the webUI or by running "/etc/init.d/nsg restart".

  1. Now make a call to test your RADIUS CDR.


Note: If the RADIUS server is not setup correctly NSG may have issues processing calls. If calls stop working after these changes then look into the RADIUS CDR server. 


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