Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Upgrading the System Software

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Upgrading the System Software


  • Upgrade GCEMS Software from (10.3.3:x or 10.5.0:x) to Software 10.5.1:x and above.

  • Upgrade IMG switch software from (10.3.3:x or 10.5.0.x) to Software 10.5.1.x and above.

  • Includes 10.5.3 RADIUS Upgrade and TLS Licensing

  • Includes procedures for single or redundant GCEMS upgrade


Time Requirements

  • Time required to execute upgrade -  Approximately 1 hour

  • Call processing downtime -  Approximately 10 minutes



  • Upgrading directly from Software Version 10.3.2 to 10.5.0 or beyond is not supported. When upgrading from software 10.3.2 to 10.5.x or beyond, first upgrade from Software version 10.3.2 to 10.3.3. Once this is accomplished, you can then upgrade to the 10.5.x software.

  • Perform the following steps logged in as an excelsw user unless otherwise stated



Prior to upgrading the IMG software perform the following:

  • In ClientView, observe the status of each of the entities listed below. Entities that were not in service before the upgrade should not be expected to be in service after the upgrade.
    ISDN D-Channels
    SS7 Links
    Network Interfaces

  • If running a redundant GCEMS verify which server is active and which is standby. This information will be needed later.

  • Notify other ClientView users that are logged in of the pending upgrade and have them logoff.

  • Obtain the desired IMG system software from the Sangoma Support BBS website located at http://excelbbs.sangoma.com/default.htm

  • Select ‘Download Information’. You will require a logon username and password to access the downloads site. (A support contract is needed to access this site.) Within this site will be two software binary files. Download the latest version of these files. If access to the downloads site is needed contact the Sangoma Technical Support Team through one of the sources listed on the following webpage: https://www.sangoma.com/support/contact/

  • Once logged into the BBS site, download the IMG 1010/1004 ClientView and GCEMS files along with any release notes available.


Backup Existing Configuration

  • Backup the existing system configuration before upgrading. Depending on the version software, the backup procedure varies. See below.

    • If upgrading from system software version 10.5.x, the configuration portion can be automatically backed up using the IMG 1010 - Collect Log File Button. Use this object to backup the /opt/dialogic/common/config folder. Once the config directory is backed up, manually create a backup of the license directory. From here the Installation of the system software files can be achieved. Move to the Installation section below after the backups are complete.

    • If upgrading from software 10.3.x the backing up of files will need to be achieved manually. The next few steps described how to back up files manually. Once all files are backed up manually, proceed to the Installation section below.

  • In ClientView, select File --> Save Configuration File. This will save the .csa file located in the /opt/dialogic/common/config directory.

  • Create a copy of the current configuration file by renaming the present configuration file to a new configuration file name. Follow steps in the table below to rename the configuration.



  1. In ClientView, select the Configuration Object. The configuration object is the first entry in the configuration pane located on the left side of the ClientView screen.

  2. Once selected double click in the text box marked User-Specified in the filename field.

  3. When text box becomes white, edit the file with the new title.

  4. Commit this change, and save the new file by selecting File -->Save from main menu tool-bar.

For a more in depth procedure on backing up the GCEMS server manually refer to the following tech note: How to correctly backup GCEMS files when upgrading IMG software versions


Upgrading software from 10.5.0 to 10.5.1+ will create a local backup by automatically renaming the entire /opt/cantata directory to /opt/cantata_<timestamp>, and create a new /opt/dialogic directory. However, it is still recommended to perform a backup of all the files explained above before attempting the upgrade.  



Transfer/Copy System Software Files

Transfer via FTP the new software to the GCEMS server. Software files must be transferred in binary mode and the Username and Password for FTP are:



Username = excelsw

Pasword = excelsw


For installations with Redundant Hosts/GCEMS servers, copy the files below to both primary and secondary servers.

  • Transfer the following files to the /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds directory.

    • IMG 10.5.x.xxx.bin

    • IMGUserInterface_10.5.x.xxx

    • img1010_ver105xxxx_id0101.bin

    • img1004_ver105xxxx_id0106.bin

Copy the IMG binaries to either the /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds directory or the location indicated in the dhcpd.conf file. The dhcpd.conf file is located in the /etc directory. If you open this file there is a line in it which states <filename "ftpBuilds/IMG1010_id0101.bin">. This is the directory path to the IMG software.

Installing GCEMS System Software Files

All GCEMS applications must be stopped before upgrading. If running a redundant GCEMS application, determine which server has the active GCEMS application and which server has the standby. Open the IMG EMS object in the ClientView application (Configuration -> IMG EMS). The Connection State field displays the status of the two GCEMS applications. Once the active/standby status is determined, achieve step 1 on the standby GCEMS application first. Once the standby has been stopped, repeat step 1 on the active server.

Up-revving the GCEMS Software and does not contain any specific service-affecting steps. Calls will continue to process on the IMG while the GCEMS software is being up-revved.

  • Shutdown the current GCEMS Applications.



  • Close the ClientView GUI.

  • Close the AdminView Application Terminal if an AdminView terminal is open.

  • Double click on the StopGCEMS ICON to shutdown all GCEMS processes.


  • Open a terminal window on the GCEMS server and become a root/superuser by entering the command:

$ su   Password: excel2
  • Change the mode to executable for the following files. This is accomplished by performing the following commands.

# chmod +x IMG_10.5.x.xxx.bin               xxx = build number   # chmod +x IMGUserInterface_10.5.x.xxx.bin  xxx = build number
  • Install GCEMS software.

# ./IMG_10.5.x.xxx.bin

Follow the prompts. Refer to the IMG 1010 - Starting GateControl EMS topic which describes the installation process. The IMG_10.5.x.xxx.bin will be installed in the /opt/dialogic/installs/IMG_10.5.x.xxx directory. Once completed, you will be prompted to log out and then log back in. Do not log out yet, you will be prompted to log out later in installation process.

  • Restart the NFS service. See below

  • Install the IMG User Interface file. IMGUserInterface_10.5.1.xxx.bin will be installed in the /opt/dialogic/installs/IMGUserInterface_10.5.x.xxx directory.

  • If using RADIUS then existing servers that are migrating to 10.5.3 and beyond must revise the dictionary file. Starting with version 10.5.3 the Radius dictionary file dictionary.dialogic has replaced dictionary.cantata.

    • Copy the dictionary.dialogic file from the /opt/dialogic/common/radius directory to /usr/share/freeradius directory or to the radius server. If radius is running on more than one server repeat this for each radius server.

    • Edit the dictionary file that resides in the /usr/share/freeradius directory and add the following line:  $INCLUDE dictionary.dialogic

    • Re-start the Radius service

Refer to the technical publications, Configuring Free RADIUS using GCEMS as Radius Server, for additional details.

  • After installing the IMGUserInterface (ClientView) at the end of the previous step you will be prompted to log out.  Log out as root user by entering the "exit" command.

  • For redundant GCEMS servers repeat steps 2 – 5 to upgrade the secondary server.


Installing IMG System Software

  • To load system software, the FTP server residing on the GCEMS host computer needs either a pathname to the specific file that is to be installed -or- a common link (img1010_id0101.bin) in the ftp server that points to the specific file. With redundant GCEMS servers if you are running dhcp/ftp on both servers the IMG binary will need to be copied to both servers and the link updated on both servers. The two methods below describe how to create a symbolic link.


Method 1: (Create link manually)

  • In the GCEMS server, navigate to the /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds directory. In this folder will be a file labeled img1010_ver1053xxx_id0101.bin. (1053=10.5.3 software and xxx=build number of the software). Perform the following commands within this folder.

The command above will create a link connecting software 10.5.3 build 123 to the filename img1010_id0101.bin or img1004_id0106.bin.

  • To confirm the link has been created, enter the command

  • The Response below will be displayed in the ftpBuilds list:

This verifies that the link created points to the correct .bin file.


Method 2: (Use lnimg script)

  • A time saving script has been written that will also create the symbolic link described above. Follow the procedure below to create the symbolic link using this tool.

  • If the lnimg script is not in the /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds folder create a link to it.


  • From the ftpBuilds directory, run the lnimg script. Script needs to be run as a root/superuser.

  • Follow the instructions and enter the build number only. For example upgrading to 1053123 (1053 = 10.5.3 build 231).

  • A response Link Created --> img1010_ver1053123_id0101.bin img1010_id0101.bin will be output.

  • Executing the ls –lrt command as described above will verify the link was created.


Re-Start IMG System Software

  • If changes were made to the dhcpd.conf file it will be necessary to restart the dhcpd service. The service can be restarted by root user only.

  • If installing the IMG software from an SD card, insert the card into the SD slot on the IMG. See IMG 1010 - Downloading System Software from SD Card.

  • If a new license has been received, copy it to the stand alone GCEMS server or to both the primary and secondary GCEMS servers in the /opt/dialogic/common/license directory.

  • Restart GCEMS

  • If during starting of the GCEMS services you are being asked if you want to start a new configuration or start with existing configuration

    • Select start with existing configuration, wait for GCEMS services to start

    • Start ClientView. Refer to the IMG 1010 - Starting ClientView - Overview topic

    • Manually restart each IMG (select the Physical IMG object and then click the Clear Software button) when it is convenient to restart each IMG. The restart is required for the IMG to load the new firmware.

  • If you do not get the question when you start GCEMS services

    • Wait for GCEMS services to start

    • Restart ClientView. Refer to the IMG 1010 - Starting ClientView - Overview topic.

    • Load the desired configuration file.  Click the load button to open and commit the configuration file (.csa).

    • At this point all IMG's will reboot.

  • Verify that all nodes return to online state.

  • Verify all spans that were in service prior to upgrade return to in-service state.

  • Verify calls are being processed to all trunk groups.

  • For redundant GCEMS servers now start the GCEMS service on the secondary server.



File Clean-Up

Backup and remove all unused log, license and configuration files from the /opt/dialogic folders.


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