Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Starting ClientView - Overview

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Starting ClientView - Overview

EventView will start automatically when you start ClientView.

To start ClientView and connect to the IMG and perform the following the procedure below:

  • ClientView can be started a few different ways. Launch ClientView one the ways described below:

From Linux:

Double Click on the "IMG ClientView" icon on the desktop -or- from a terminal window enter ./ClientView command. This command can be entered from the directory shown below.

opt/dialogic/IMG/IMGUserInterface/ClientView (Software 10.5.1 +)

opt/cantata/IMG/IMGUserInterface/ClientView (Software 10.3.X to 10.5.0)


From Windows®

  • Click the ClientView icon on your Desktop -or- Click on the ClientView exe file located at:
    C:\Program Files\dialogic\IMGUserInterface\ClientView (Software 10.5.1 +)
    C:\Program Files\Cantata\IMGUserInterface\ClientView (Software 10.3.x to 10.5.0)  

  • When the About ClientView window appears, click CLOSE.

  • When the Client Socket window appears, enter the following:
    Username: admin
    Password: admin (or new password if you changed)  

Host Name or IP Address:

This is the IP Address of the GCEMS Server to which you are connected. If ClientView is running on the EMS server, leave the default (localhost).


  • Click OK button. EventView will automatically be started.

  • You are now connected to the GCEMS Server and are ready to use ClientView. To access the On-line Help for detailed configuration information go to the Help Menu within ClientView and select Open Help.

Restarting EventView

If EventView is closed and you would like to restart it, you can do so from the menu-bar in ClientView select Tools > Launch EventView.

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