IMG 1010 - Hardware Specifications


  • IBM 750GX RISC Processor running at 1GHz

  • 512MBx64 DDRAM @ 200MHz/400MHz (default), up to 1GB

    • Factory-installed memory: 512MB (64MEGX64) 184-pin DDR DIMM DDR400 PC3200 NON-ECC CL3; reference part: Micron MT8VDDT6464AY-40BF4

  • 1MB L2 Cache @1GHz

  • 32MB Flash

  • SDCard

Environmental Specifications

The temperature, humidity, and altitude of the site must fall within the specifications listed below. In general, a typical office environment satisfies these conditions. A temperature-controlled environment is preferable.



Temperature, Operating

0°C to 50°C

Temperature, Operating (Short Term)

-5°C to 55°C

Temperature, Storage

-40°C to 70°C

Shock, Operational


Shock, Storage

-40°C to 23°C @ 10°C/ min70°C to 23°C @ 13°C/ min23°C to -40°C @ 30°C/hr23°C to 70°C @ 30°C/hr

Humidity, Operational

5% to 85%

Humidity, Operating (Short Term)

5% to 90% but not to exceed 0.24kg water/kg of dry air

Humidity, Packaging

90% to 95% relative humidity @ 40° C


3962 meters / 13000 feet




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