IMG 1010 - Configuring the Linux User - excelsw

To create a new user named excelsw follow instructions below.

  • Go to Red Hat Applications Main Menu >> System Settings >> Users and Groups

  • Enter root password excel2 when prompted

  • The User Manager screen will appear. Select to Add User and a screen like below will appear.

  • Enter User Name: excelsw

  • Enter Password: excelsw (Password must be excelsw to download software)

  • Enter a name in the Full Name Box. Any name can be entered.

  • Verify the rest of the boxes are configured as shown in the screen capture below

  • Click OK

  • From the User Manager screen, assign the user excelsw permissions to use FTP and SSHD.

    • Select excelsw user and select properties. The Group Properties screen appears.

    • Select Groups Tab and enable FTP and SSH by checking them.

    • Click OK to exit to the Users screen.


  • Restart VSFTP service.

    • Go to the Main Menu>>System Settings >>Server Settings >> Services.

    • Scroll down to the process vsftpd and check the box.

    • Right click and select ‘Restart’ to restart the service.

    • Exit back to the desktop, saving changes.

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