Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - LCD Menus
The following LCD main menus provide the user with means to access, verify, and monitor information:
IMG 1010 - Physical Span Info Menu
Menu Display/Control
To enter a main menu, either use the Select or Right push button to select the desired menu. The items in the selected main menu will be displayed on the first line (item name line). The second line will be blank. When the item is selected, its text will be displayed in one of three ways:
If the text data to be displayed is within 24 characters, the first line will remain and the data will be displayed on the second line.
If the data is greater than 24 characters, the data will over right the first line and continue on the second line. In either of these two styles of presentation the text will be updated every second.
In the third method, the text data may be scrolled left/right and up/down to a different line of text. When an item contains scroll-able text the user must enable scroll mode by depressing the Select push button. To end scrolling mode, depress the Select push button again.
While in the scroll mode the text data will not be updated.