IMG 1004 - Downloading System Software Using Boot File on SD Card

IMG 1004 - Downloading System Software Using Boot File on SD Card


A BootP server is used to configure the following:

  • IMG CTRL IP address

  • subnet mask

  • gateway address

  • FTP server address

  • FTP file name of the IMG system software

If a BootP server is not available but a remote FTP Server is available, the SD card can be used to configure the boot parameters so the IMG 1004 can retrieve the system software from the remote FTP Server. See Diagram Below.



  • Insert the SD Card into an SD Writer connected to a PC.

  • On the SD Card is a file named bootup.cfg. Open this file.

  • Below is what the SD Card bootup.cfg information should look like.

###################################################### ###################################################### # INSTRUCTIONS #1. Edit values as required, as described below. # Change IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway IP Address to the actual #values for the IMG. # If you change the version of IMG System Software on the FTP Server #or the SD card, make sure you change the System Software Filename #value. # Make sure Host Flag is set appropriately for your configuration and #Boot method # # Calculate boot flag by adding values based on desired system attributes # For a T1 system: add 0 # For an E1 system: add 2 # # To boot from a FTP Server: add 0 # To boot from a SD Card: add 32 # # For LBR codecs (512 ch/mod): add 0 # For LBR + AMR codecs (480 ch/mod): add 8 # For LBR + ILBC codecs (336 ch/mod): add 16 # For LBR + ILBC + Wireless codecs (336 ch/mod): add 24 # # An example host flag for a T1 system booting from the SD card with LBR + iLBC codecs would = 48 (0+32+16) # Change Server Address to the actual address of the FTP server. # The Server Name is not used at this time. #2. After editing this file: save file, remove SD card, insert SD card #in the IMG, power-up the IMG. #_____________________________________ # IMG bootup configuration file # IP Address yiaddr= # Subnet Mask subnet mask= # Gateway Address giaddr= # System Software Filename file=/excelsw/ftpBuilds  # Host Flag host flag=0 # Server Address for File transfer and SNTP operation. siaddr= # Server Name (Optional, not currently used) sname=factorydefault ###################################################### ######################################################


  • Any line beginning with the # symbol is a comment and is not processed by the IMG 1004. Below is the information the user will edit for use in its network

    • yiaddr --> IP Address of the IMG 1004 being loaded

    • subnetmask --> Subnet mask of the IMG 1004 being loaded

    • giaddr --> IP Address of the Gateway connected to the IMG 1004

    • file --> If using the SD card to supply boot information but loading the software from the FTP Server, the System Software Filename on the  bootup.cfg file should be given a path to the IMG System Software file located on the ftp server. The default path is /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds or ftpBuilds/ as the IMG 1004 logs into the FTP server using the excelsw account.

    • Host flag --> The Host Flag informs the IMG of configuration details such as T1 or E1, Boot from SD card or Boot from FTP Server, and a few other configuration details. See IMG 1010 - Setting Host Flags.

    • siaddr --> IP Address of FTP server which provides the IMG 1004 System Software and NTP Server information

    • sname --> Optional, not currently used. Do not edit this

  • Change the Host Flag to "Retrieve IMG Build from SD Card".  
    Host Flag Values

32 = Boot from SD Card, T1 system
34 = Boot from SD Card, E1 system

Example 1: The following is a T1 system booting from SD Card. Refer to the file Setting Host Flags to follow the example

Boot From SD card =  32
T1 system = add      +00
Host Flag Value =       32

The Host Flag for a T1 system booting from SD Card = 32

Example 2: The following is an E1 system booting from SD Card. Refer to the file Setting Host Flags to follow the example

Boot From SD card =  32
E1 system = add      +02
Host Flag Value =       34

The Host Flag for a E1 system booting from SD Card = 34


  • Edit the bootup.cfg file to reflect the new Host Flag value

  • Edit the System Software Filename in the bootup.cfg file to reflect the new software file being loaded. (Ex: file=/excelsw/ftpBuilds)

  • Edit the rest of the bootup.cfg file to reflect your network values.

  • Save the bootup.cfg file

  • Remove the SD card from the SD Writer.

  • Insert the SD card into the SD slot on the Front Panel of the IMG.

  • Power-up the IMG 1004.

  • The IMG 1004 will go through a diagnostic check and then load software. See IMG 1004 - Front Panel Status LEDs for more information on the boot process.

  • Once the loading of software and configuring of network information is complete, the IMG 1004 will be ready to get configured


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IMG 1010 - Starting GateControl EMS


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