Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Configure SNTP on GCEMS Server

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Configure SNTP on GCEMS Server


The IMG runs an SNTP client that sends an SNTP request every 60 seconds and adjusts its time if it receives a valid response. The IMG uses the IP address of the FTP server as the location of the NTP server. SNTP is a subset of the NTP protocol; therefore, the server is referenced as an NTP server. Red Hat Linux ES 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.7 includes an NTP server that is part of the basic installation. For Windows users, Windows XP includes an NTP service that can be configured easily.

Verify that the host time and time zone are correct and in the expected format. Universal Coordinated Time, UTC, is most commonly used. The factory default time zone is set as Eastern Standard Time, EST.




The instructions below assume that the IMG has been configured to FTP transfer the software from a Linux machine. The next step is to edit the ntp.conf file which is used by the NTP server. If setting up SNTP for the first time, a script was created that will generate an ntp.conf file. See link to create the ntp.conf. If ntp.conf file has already been created, then follow instructions below to edit it.

  • Open a terminal on the Linux machine and Login as root user. The script will create the ntp.conf file for use.

  • Edit the ntp.conf file using vi editor. Enter:

    vi /etc/ntp.conf
  • Add the lines starting with "restrict" shown below with the IP addresses of the NTP servers. This will prohibit an SNTP server from adjusting the time on the Linux machine.

    # Prohibit general access to this service. restrict default ignore #clock2.redhat.com restrict mask nomodify notrap noquery #bonehed.lcs.mit.edu restrict mask nomodify notrap noquery #ntp.tmc.edu restrict mask nomodify notrap noquery
  • Add the lines starting with "server" with the IP addresses of the NTP servers.

    # Undisciplined Local Clock. This is a fake driver intended for backup # and when no outside source of synchronized time is available. The # default stratum is usually 3, but in this case we elect to use stratum # 0. Since the server line does not have the prefer keyword, this driver # is never used for synchronization, unless no other # synchronization source is available. In case the local host is # controlled by some external source, such as an external oscillator or # another protocol, the prefer keyword would cause the local host to # disregard all other synchronization sources, unless the kernel # modifications are in use and declare an unsynchronized condition. # #clock2.redhat.com server #bonehed.lcs.mit.edu server #ntp.tmc.edu server
  • Add the line starting with "restrict" with IP address of the IMG. This will allow the IMG to request time from NTP server.
    The behavior of the "notrust" command below has changed between versions 4.1 and 4.2 of NTP. The command below has been updated to encompass commands for both Red Hat Enterprise version 4 and version 5. See commands below:

  • Save the configuration:

  • Restart the NTP server:  

  • Verify the Linux machine is synchronized with an NTP server.

  • Verify the correct time on the 1010 via the front panel.

  • To see the NTP packets for debug, enter the following:  


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