Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Setting Local Time

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Setting Local Time

This feature allows the user to set the IMG time to the local time zone. Once configured, all IMG functions that use time will now use the local time. To configure the local time on an IMG, use the Time Zone Setting Pane in ClientView. See IMG 1010 - Time Zone Setting Pane for information on configuring time zone.


If you configure your IMG 1010 - RADIUS Client to use the local time, Radius will display the time as local in the following fields:

  • setup time

  • connect time

  • disconnect time


The local time is on the offset from GMT (Greenwich Meantime)

Example 1

EST (Eastern Standard Time)

THU JAN 01 00:03:55:850 2007-0500

Where -0500 represents 5 hours behind GMT

Example 2

There is a time zone in Australia that is nine and a half hours ahead of GMT time. This would be represented as:

THU JAN 01 00:03:55:850 2007 +0930



Configuration of the local time on an IMG is accomplished using the IMG 1010 - Time Zone Setting pane.

Configuration of the time format represented in RADIUS CDR's are accomplished using the IMG 1010 - RADIUS Client pane.


Time of Day Tables:

A TOD table can be configured and used across multiple IMG's, each IMG will use its own local time.


IMG 1010 - Time of Day Tables


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