Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Sample Validation Report
The following is a sample of a validation report returned when you run the Validation utility (see IMG 1010 - Validating Your Configuration).
Section 1: High Probability of an error
1.1) Incoming Channels Groups without a Route Table assigned
1.1.1) Channels Group: isdn - ID:0
1.2) Outgoing Channel Groups that are not in a route
1.2.1) Channels Group: isdn - ID: 0
1.3) VoIP Channels Groups without an IP Network Element
1.4) TDM Channel Group without any circuits
1.4.1) Channels Group: isdn - ID:0
1.5) SS7 Route not assigned to a Channel Group
1.5.1) SS7 Route: StackId: 0 - OPC: 1-1-1 - DPC:
1.6) SS7 Linkset without Routes or Links
1.7) ISDN D-Channels not assigned to a Channel Group
1.8) VoIP Interfaces without a Module assigned to it
1.9) CPU Interfaces with nothing assigned to it
1.10) Variants Configured but not used
1.10.1) Variant Table Name: Variant Name ID: 1
1.11) GateKeepers configured but not used
1.12) Gateways assigned but not used
1.12.1) External Gateway: sip gw 1
1.13) NFS Servers Configured but not used
1.14) Radius Servers Configured but not used
1.15) DNS Servers Configured but not assigned
1.16) Nodes without a Radius Client if a Radius Server is configured
1.17) Nodes without a Media Client if a NFS Server is configured
1.18) Nodes without a DNS Client if a DNS Server is configured
Section 2: Possible Error
2.1) Route Tables that are not used
2.2) Cause Code Tables that are not used
2.3) Translation Tables that are not used
2.4) Route Lists that are not used
2.4.1) Route List: rt 1 - ID: 1
2.5) Time of Day Tables that are not used
2.5.1) Time of Day Table: TOD 1 - ID: 1
2.6) Route Tables without any route entries
2.7) Cause Code Tables without any route entries
2.8) Translation Tables without any translation entries
2.9) Route Lists without any Channel Groups assigned
2.9.1) Route List: rt 1 - ID:1
2.9.2) Route List: rl2 - ID:2
2.10) Time of Day Tables without any route entries
2.11) TDM Channels assigned but not used
2.11.1) Node Name: Boston, Bearer - ID:0, Channel: 1
2.11.2) Node Name: Boston, Bearer - ID:0, Channel: 2
Section 3: Informational
3.1) List of GateKeepers configured
3.2) List of Gateways configured
3.2.1) SIP GW Name: sip gw 1, Transport: UDP, Port: 5060, IP Address: 0d:
3.3) List of NFS Servers configured
3.4) List of DNS Servers configured
3.5) List of Radius Servers configured