Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Configure IP Bearer Profiles and Vocoder Entries
Before creating the Channel Groups the IP bearer profiles must be created. The IP Bearer profiles will be used in the Channel Group objects incoming and Outgoing IP profiles.
Right Click on the Dialogic IMG EMS object and select New Profiles. A Profiles object will get created. This will hold multiple IP Bearer profiles and there corresponding Vocoder entries. No data needs to be entered in this pane.
Right Click on Profiles and select New IP Bearer Profiles. The IP bearer profiles screen appears. For information on what data to enter here see IMG 1010 - IP Bearer Profile.
Once the IP bearer entry is completed right click on Bearer IP Profile object and select New Supported Vocoders. For information on what data to enter here see IMG 1010 - Vocoder Entry.
Configuring the IP Bearer Profiles Object in ClientView has been accomplished. The next step is to configure the Channel Groups.