Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Configuring Pre-call Announcements
Initial Configuration:
The steps below are the initial Media and NFS configuration needed to play a treatment using the Service Route Tables and Service Time Of Day Tables.
The procedure below assumes that the general configuration such as Logical IMG, Physical IMG, Facilities, and 'initial steps above have already been configured.
Example 1:
Announcement played based on Dialed number:
The first example will be to configure a Service Route Table to play an announcement and then route the call to an incoming translation table.
Right-click on Dialogic IMG EMS and select New Routing Configuration.
Right Click on Routing Configuration object and select New Service Routing Tables. This will be a container object for all the Service Route Table Objects to be created. See IMG 1010 - Service Route Tables
Right Click on Service Route Table just created and select New Service Route Table.
A Service Route Table like below will appear. Enter a name in the Name field. Fill in the other fields as needed. See IMG 1010 - Route Table/Cause Code Table/Service Route Table for more information.
Right Click on Service Route Table and select Add Entry. A New Entry box will appear like below.
Entry ID - The Entry ID is automatically populated with next available ID.
Enable - Select True which will enable this Service Route Table Entry.
Routing Criteria - This example will be Dialed Number. This example will route on a specific set of digits.
Router String - Enter the string of digits that are matched on incoming call. In this example any numbers with 555 as its first three digits will be flagged.
In Channel Group - Not Used
Match IMG as well - Select from drop down menu whether to match on a specific IMG.
Criteria Values - Not Used
FCI - M Bit - Not Used
Route Action Type - Select either Treatment Table or Service TOD Table. This example will be Treatment Table
Outgoing Treatment Table - Select which treatment to play before routing the call. The treatment will play through its entirety before IMG routes the call.
Add as many entries as needed. This example will have one entry.
Right Click on Routing Configuration and select New Incoming Translation Tables.
Right Click on Incoming Translation Tables and select New Translation Table.
In the pane that appears enter a name to identify this Translation Table. In this example the name given is Inc_TransTable_1.
Right Click on the Incoming Translation Table and select New Translation Entry.
String - Enter the string to match in the 'String' Field.
Service Routing - Click in the Service Routing field and select the Service Route Table created earlier. See screen capture above. See for more information.
Right Click on Routing Configuration and select New Channel Groups.
Right Click on Channel Groups and select New Channel Group. See screen capture below
Enter a name for the channel group. In the Incoming Translation Table field select the Translation Table just created. See IMG 1010 - Channel Group for more information on how to configure Channel Group.
At this point a call will come into the IMG on Channel Group ChGrp_SS7. The call will first be routed to Incoming Translation Table INC_TransTable_1. The translation table then takes any calls with a 555 prefix and routes it to the Service Route Table. The Service Route Table then takes the call with a 555 prefix and routes it to a treatment which plays the announcement, "This call is being monitored for quality and training purposes". Once the announcement has been played the call is then routed per the incoming channel group routing instructions.
Example 2:
Announcement played based on Dialed Number and TOD Table:
The second example will be to first configure a Service Route Table and then configure a Service Time Of Day Table so the announcement "The call is being forwarded to Company B" call is played on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM. At any other time of day or any day other than Monday, Wednesday and Friday the announcement will be "The call is being forwarded to Company A".
Create Channel Group:
Right-click on Dialogic IMG EMS and select New Routing Configuration.
Create a new Channel Group that the Call will be routed to. Right Click on Routing Configuration and select New Channel Groups. See IMG 1010 - Channel Groups for more information.
Right Click on Channel Groups object and select New Channel Group. Enter a name to identify this channel group and select signaling type from drop down menu. In this example the channel group will be configured as an SS7 Channel Group and it is named ChGrp_SS7. See IMG 1010 - Channel Group for more information on setting up Channel Group along with the ISUP group below it.
Create Service Route Table, Service Time Of Day Table, and Incoming Translation Table:
Right Click on Routing Configuration and select New Service Routing Tables as explained in Example 1 above. See IMG 1010 - Service Route Tables for more information
Right Click on Service Route Tables and select New Service TOD Table. A Service Time Of Day object will appear like below. See IMG 1010 - Service TOD Table for more information.
Name - Enter a name for this Service Time Of Day Table. In this example Service_TOD_1 was used.
ID - This is automatically populated with next available TOD ID.
Default Treatment - Select the announcement that will be played when the Service Time Of Day Entry that will get created next is not used. In this example, the announcement 'Forward to Carrier A' will be played as long as it is not Monday Wednesday, or Friday between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM. IMG will play announcement in its entirety before routing.
Right Click on Service TOD Table just created and select New Service TOD Entry. See Below. See IMG 1010 - Service TOD Entry for more information.
Enable - Select True if this Service TOD Table will be utilized.
Route Action Type - Select from drop down menu the entry to play the announcement Forward to Carrier B. This will be the announcement that is played Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM. IMG will play announcement in its entirety before routing.
Start Time - Click in field and adjust the 24-hour clock that appears to 9:00.
End Time - Click in field and adjust the 24-hour clock that appears to 12:00
Days of the Week - Click in the field and Select Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from the Multiple Selections box that appears.
Right Click on Service Route Tables and select New Service Route Table. Enter a name for this Service Route Table as explained in example 1 above. In this example, the Service Route Table was named Serv_Rte_wTOD_1. See IMG 1010 - Route Table/Cause Code Table/Service Route Table for more information.
Create a Service Route Table Entry under the Service Route Table just created. Right Click on the Service Route Table just created and select Add Entry. This will be the route that occurs any time other than Monday, Tuesday, and Friday between 9:00 AM -12:00 PM. See screen capture below. For more information see IMG 1010 - Route Entry.
Entry ID - Automatically populated with next available Route Table Entry ID.
Enable - Select True to enable this entry.
Route Criteria Type - Select the criteria to route on. In this example Dialed Number was selected.
Router String - Match on any Dialed number with 123 as a prefix.
Match IMG as well - Select a specific IMG. Not used in this example.
Route Action Type - This Service Route Table Entry will go to a Service Time Of Day Table to determine what treatment to play before routing the call.
Service TOD Table - This is the Time Of Day Entry that will be used. Select the Service Time of Day Table created above.
Right Click on Routing Configuration and select New Incoming Translation Tables. See IMG 1010 - Incoming Translation Tables for more information.
Right Click on Incoming Translation Tables object just created and select New Translation Table.
In the pane that appears enter a name to identify this Translation Table. In this example the name given is Inc_TransTable_1.
Right Click on the Incoming Translation Table created and select New Translation Entry. See below. For more information, see IMG 1010 - Translation Entry.
Enable - Select True to enable this Incoming Translation Table
Type of Operation - Leave the Default which is Translation.
String To Match - In this example we will match on the Dialed Number.
Dialed Number Translation - In this example the Dialed number carrier prefix is stripped off and just the dialed number will remain. This is done through a combination of String and Dialed # Translation.
Service Routing - Select the Service Route Table that was created earlier. See screen capture above.
Go back to Channel Group created earlier. In the Incoming Translation Table field select the Translation Table just created above. See IMG 1010 - Channel Group for more information on how to configure Channel Group.
At this point a call will come into the IMG on Channel Group ChGrp_SS7. Below are the steps that will be taken to play the announcement and then route the call.
The call will first be routed to Incoming Translation Table INC_TransTable_1. The translation table then takes any calls with a 123 prefix and routes them to the Service Route Table.
The Service Route Table then looks at the Service Time of Day Entry and sees that any calls with a 123 prefix get routed to the Service Time Of Day Table.
The Service Time Of Day Table has an entry which is configured to take a call with a 123 prefix. If it is either Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM, play the treatment configured "Forward Call to Carrier B".
If the Call is not on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM then the announcement that is played is "Forward Call To Carrier A".
Once the announcement is played in it's entirety the Translation Table strips the 123 prefix and the Call is then routed according to the Channel Group Configuration. In this example it could be routed to either Carrier A or Carrier B depending on the Time of Day and Day of Week.