IMG 1010 - Service Route Tables


The Service Route Tables is created under the Routing Configuration Object. There is no configuration needed with this object. Under the Service Route Table object, either a Service Route Entry or a Service Time Of Day Entry can be created.


Accessing this Dialog Box

Dialogic IMG EMS -> New Routing Configuration -> New Service Routing Tables


Maximum Objects:

1 Service Route Tables object per Routing Configuration Object


An IMG will allow up to 66 combined Route Tables, Cause Code Tables, Time Of Day Tables and Service Routing/TOD Tables per Dialogic IMG EMS. The IMG has a max capacity of 100,000 combined entries of the Tables mentioned above. For example: the IMG can support creating 20 Route Tables with each Route Table having 5000 entries.


Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Route Table/Cause Code Table/Service Route Table

Service Routing Tables Pane:


Field Descriptions:


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