Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - An Overview of Provisioning the IMG
- 1 Overview:
- 2 Methods:
- 3 Provisioning Tasks:
- 3.1 Physical IMG
- 3.2 Clear Software:
- 3.3 Download Raw File:
- 3.4 IMG License Info
- 3.5 Download Node License:
- 3.6 Facility
- 3.7 Take Span out of Service:
- 3.8 Bring Span in Service:
- 3.9 SS7
- 3.10 Switchover:
- 3.11 SS7 Signaling Link
- 3.11.1 Take Link out of Service:
- 3.11.2 Bring Link in Service:
- 3.11.3 Inhibit:
- 3.11.4 Uninhibit:
- 3.12 H.323 Signaling
- 3.12.1 Discover GK (Gatekeeper):
- 3.12.2 Register with GK:
- 3.12.3 Unregister with GK:
- 3.13 VoIP Module:
- 3.13.1 Update Status:
- 3.14 Routing:
- 3.14.1 Download Translations:
- 3.14.2 Resource Table:
- 3.14.3 Incoming Gateway Table:
- 3.14.4 Gateway ID Table:
- 3.14.5 Verify Routing:
- 3.15 Telnet Enable:
- 3.15.1 Reset Telnet Client:
- 3.15.2 Update Status:
Provisioning includes altering the state of an existing priority service or capability. Taking spans IN and OUT of service would be considered provisioning. The Topic below explains what can be provisioned and the different methods that can accomplish provisioning.
Provisioning on the IMG can be accomplished in one of two different ways: By selecting one of the provisioning buttons located within ClientView or Right Clicking on the object in the object tree in Clientview and selecting from the drop down menu. Both methods are shown below.
Buttons- You can perform provisioning by clicking buttons on the bottom of the Configuration pane.
Select Options from Configuration Tree - You can perform provisioning by right-clicking on an entry in the Configuration tree and selecting the desired action.
Provisioning Tasks:
Below are the different tasks that can be performed as part of the provisioning of an IMG
Physical IMG
(IMG EMS > Logical IMG > Physical IMG)
Clear Software:
Clear Software will clear the software which is loaded on the IMG. This command is normally sent when upgrading IMG system software.
Download Raw File:
The Download RAW File will send any RAW API message that is located in one of the following directories below. The file containing the RAW API messages must be put into a file named rawapi.cfg. Downloading RAW API is usually used for downloading new signaling variants created through use of the Dialogic® PPL (Programmable Protocol Language)
/opt/dialogic/common/config (Software 10.5.1 +)
/opt/cantata/common/config (Software 10.3.3 to 10.5.0)
IMG License Info
(IMG EMS > Logical IMG > Physical IMG> New Licensing Info)
Download Node License:
The Download Node License is located under the New Licensing Info object. The download License command will download the license file located in one of the directories below. This is done when Dialogic sends a new license that has been upgraded and the new license needs to be loaded into the IMG without having to reset the system.
/opt/dialogic/common/license (Software 10.5.1 +)
/opt/cantata/common/license (Software 10.3.3 to 10.5.0)
(IMG EMS > Logical IMG > Physical IMG> Facility > Bearer Spans)
(IMG EMS > Logical IMG > Physical IMG> Facility > Signaling Spans)
(IMG EMS > Logical IMG > Physical IMG> Facility > VoIP Resource)
Take Span out of Service:
The Take Span Out Of Service command will send an API message, which will take a span Out of Service from In Service State. Taking spans out of service is done differently in software 10.3.x and software 10.5.x
In 10.3.x software each individual Channel had a button that when selected would bring that channel in and out of service.10.5.x:
In 10.5.x software, the provisioning is done within the Object Table Tab in ClientView. Click on Object Table Tab in Clientview and all Interfaces are shown in this table. Select an Interface and right click. The two selections In Service and Out of Service will be selectable from drop down menu. This is the same for VoIP Ports.
Bring Span in Service:
The Bring Span in Service command will sent API message which will bring a span from Out of Service state back into service
In 10.3.x software, each individual Channel had a button that when selected would bring that channel in and out of service.10.5.x:
In 10.5.x software the provisioning is done within the Object Table Tab in ClientView. Click on Object Table Tab in Clientview and all Interfaces are shown in this table. Select an Interface and right click. The two selections In Service and Out of Service will be selectable from drop down menu. This is the same for VoIP Ports
(IMG EMS>Logical IMG>Physical IMG> Signaling>SS7 Standalone)
The Switchover command will switch signaling from the Primary SS7 Node to the Secondary SS7 Node
SS7 Signaling Link
(IMG EMS>Logical IMG>Physical IMG> Signaling>SS7 Standalone>SS7 Stack>SS7 LinkSet> SS7 Link)
Take Link out of Service:
The Take Link Out Of Service command will send an API message, which will take a link Out of Service from In Service State.
Bring Link in Service:
The Bring Link in Service command will send an API message, which will bring a link from Out of Service state back into service.
A request to place a link in the inhibited state. An inhibited link cannot transmit user traffic.
A request to uninhibit a link that has been placed in the inhibited state.
H.323 Signaling
(IMG EMS>Logical IMG>Physical IMG> Signaling>H.323 Signaling)
Discover GK (Gatekeeper):
If an H.323 Gatekeeper is in the Network, the Discover Gatekeeper command will send out a Gatekeeper Request Message (GRQ) and wait for the reply from the Gatekeeper (GCF Gatekeeper Confirm) with the transport address of the gatekeeper RAS channel
Register with GK:
The Register with Gatekeeper will send out an RRQ (Registration Request) message to the discovered Gatekeeper and wait for a RCF (Registration Confirm) message from Gatekeeper.
Unregister with GK:
The Register with Gatekeeper will send out an URQ (Unregister Request) message to the registered Gatekeeper and wait for a UCF (Unregister Confirm) message from Gatekeeper.
VoIP Module:
(IMG EMS > Logical IMG > Physical IMG> Facility > VoIP Resource)
Update Status:
The Update Status command will refresh the Object Table screen under the VoIP Resource pane with updated Status
(IMG EMS > Routing Configuration)
Download Translations:
The Download Translations Command will download translation tables to the IMG
Resource Table:
The download Resource Table Command will download the latest resource table configured to the IMG. The download is unique across IMG(s).
Incoming Gateway Table:
The Incoming Gateway Table downloads the gateway's routing tables, which are used for incoming IP calls (h323 or SIP) to validate that the gateway call received is from a valid gateway. The IMG accomplishes this by querying the table's IP addresses.
Gateway ID Table:
The Gateway ID Tables command downloads the Gateway ID to IP address resource table. This is used in the outgoing calls to find the actual IP address for each Gateway Id to which the call is sent.
Verify Routing:
Queries the routing configuration tables from all IMG(s) and verifies they are the same size as the tables that the GCEMS has. If the size does not verify a pop up box asks if you want to fix it. If yes is selected, it re-downloads the tables that are in GCEMS back down to the IMG(s).
Telnet Enable:
(IMG EMS > Physical IMG>Telnet Client)
Reset Telnet Client:
Sends a reset telnet client command to the IMG. Used if having issues logging on to IMG
Update Status:
The Update Status command will refresh ClientView with an updated status of the Telnet Client Object