Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Upgrade From MRTG to Cacti Watcher
MRTG installed on GCEMS platform
If MRTG is already installed on the GCEMS platform and user would like to upgrade to the Cacti Watcher Function, below is an upgrade procedure that should be followed. Previous MRTG Data will NOT be automatically picked up by Cacti. On an upgrade, users can choose to install Cacti and utilize it for all data collected after the upgrade is successful.
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - Overview of Cacti Watcher
To begin the upgrade procedure you must Stop GCEMS if GCEMS is running
There is a file named dialogicPRIMRYcron located at /opt/dialogic/IMG/GateControlEMS/bin. This file needs to have the reference to MRTG commented out. Using either a vi editor or gedit comment out the following line.
*/5 * * * * env LANG=C /usr/local/mrtg/bin/mrtg /opt/dialogic/common/mrtg_bin/cantatamrtg.cfg -- logging /opt/dialogic/common/log/mrtg.log > /dev/null 2>&1
The file should look like the following after being commented out.
# This script checks to see if each GCEMS component is running.
# If not, it is restarted.
* * * * * /opt/dialogic/IMG/GateControlEMS/bin/StartGCEMS -p -a > /dev/null 2>&1
# This script activates MRTG statistics gathering.
# */5***env LANG=C /usr/local/mrtg/bin/mrtg/opt/dialogic/common/mrtg_bin/cantatamrtg.cfg --logging /opt/dialogic/common/log/mrtg.log > /dev/null 2>1&
# This script activates BACKUP File zip processing to happen daily at 12:30 AM.
30 0 * * * /opt/dialogic/IMG/GateControlEMS/bin/cantataBackupZip
Kill all http processes that are currently running. In order to do this you will need to grep for the processes that are running. See command below
# ps -ef | grep httpd
A screen like the following will appear.
In order to kill all the http processes you must become root user. Follow the command below to accomplish this
Follow the installation procedure "Installing Cacti". See related topic above. Once finished you should have cacti running and graphs should be getting populated with cacti application.