
The Users object is used to configure password rules, including password expiration time, password length, non-alphanumeric toggle, uppercase/lowercase toggle, and numeric toggle. 

Web GUI Page

Administration > Users

Maximum Objects

One Users Object per IMG 2020.

Related Topics and Dependencies

Web GUI Multi User Overview

Create a New User

User Info

Field Descriptions

Password Expiration Days

Number of days when the password expires. Default is 90. 

Password Length

Length of the password. Default is 8.

Nonalnum Toggle

Setting to toggle on or off the non-alphanumeric characters.

on (Default) - Enabled.

off - Disabled.

Uppercase Toggle

Setting to toggle on or off the uppercase characters.

on (Default) - Enabled.

off - Disabled. 

Lowercase Toggle

Setting to toggle on or off the lowercase characters.

on (Default) - Enabled.

off - Disabled.

Numeric Toggle

Setting to toggle on or off the numeric characters.

on (Default) - Enabled.

off - Disabled.


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