PBX GUI - User Management Users

PBX GUI - User Management Users

User Manager users can be used to login to the Administration Panel, User Control Panel or various external services. They are usually (but not always) linked to an extension

To read more about the different types of permissions see User Management Group/User Settings


Creating / Editing a User

If the directory does not support this method it won't be available to you

A new user may be auto-generated upon creating an extension in the Extensions module. To edit an existing user, click the edit button

You can also create a new user manually. In the Users tab first select a directory that will let you add users.

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Screen Shot 2017-10-26 at 11.02.10 PM.png


Then click the Add button. This should take you to the Login Details tab for the new user.

add-button (1).jpg


Login Details

These are the settings that are used primarily for authentication



  • Login Name: This is the login username that the user will use to log into anything external, such as the User Control Panel (UCP) in version 12 and up, iSymphony/XactView version 3 and up, XMPP Chat, and other items that tie to this module.

  • Description: A friendly name or brief description for this user.

  • Password: Password for the user. Note: If you proceed to enable XMPP later, the password will be exposed in the database, and you will need to redefine it.

  • Groups: A list of groups the user belongs to, if any. To select a group, begin typing the group name into the field, and when the system finds it, click on the name. You can add multiple groups.

  • Primary Linked Extension: This is the extension this user is linked to. A single user can only be linked to one extension, and one extension can only be linked to a single user.

User Details

All of the fields in this tab are optional. This information is stored for use in other apps. Most fields are self-explanatory and are displayed in the contact info for this user in the the Contact Manager module. 



  • Display Name: The Display Name is a customized name that will be displayed in UCP and Contact Manager.

  • Email Address: You will need to enter an Email Address for the user if you plan to have the system send the user a welcome e-mail message or allow users to do password recovery when they loose their passwords.

  • Language (14+): Used for user specific locale settings. Note: The User can change this from within UCP

  • Timezone (14+): Used for user specific locale settings. Note: The User can change this from within UCP

  • Contact Image: Used in Contact Manager primarily for Zulu and Sangoma phones


PBX 14+ only. This section defines how date and time strings look in your PBX for this user.

"Locale Aware" settings mean that the date format will change dynamically based on the user's language settings

For more information on valid values see Moment.js | Docs



  • Date and Time Format: The format dates and times should display in. The default of "llll" is locale aware. If left blank this will use the system format. For more formats please see: Moment.js | Docs

  • Time Format: The format dates should display in. The default of "l" is locale aware. If left blank this will use the system format. For more formats please see: Moment.js | Docs

  • Date Format: The format times should display in. The default of "LT" is locale aware. If left blank this will use the system format. For more formats please see: Moment.js | Docs

Quickly change a user's password

If the directory does not support this method it won't be available to you

To quickly change a user's password find the key symbol next to the user's row

Clicking this icon will bring up a prompt with the ability to change the password




Deleting a User

If the directory does not support this method it won't be available to you

To delete a user simply click the trash can icon  next to the user.

Alternatively you can select a directory from the directory drop down and then select multiple users in a row and click the delete button

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Sending welcome emails

You also have the ability to resend welcome emails to multiple users by first selecting them in the row of users then clicking the "Send Email" button



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