PBX GUI - Administrators Module
The Administrators module is deprecated, expect it to be removed in a future version. All functionality provided by this module is now available in the User Management module.
What is the Administrators Module used for?
The Administrator's Module allows you to set up additional users and passwords for the PBX Admin GUI.
You can then pick which PBX system modules the additional users can access. Additionally, you can give users access to all modules with a single click.
NOTE: If you have Authorization Type set to "usermanager" in Advanced Settings, the Administrators Module will not provide full access control and will only be used as a failover, stop-gap until this pane is fully migrated to User Manager. You will still be able to log in with the users created in the Administrators Module as long as their username does not exist in User Manager.
How is the Administrators Module related to the other Modules?
This module creates administrators and delegates what modules the given user has access to.
How Do I Get to the Administrators Module?
Log in to the your PBX's GUI.
On the top menu click Admin
In the drop down click Administrators
See the User Guide