Administrators Module User Guide

Administrators Module User Guide

The Administrators module is deprecated, expect it to be removed in a future version. All functionality provided by this module is now available in the User Management module.


The Administrator's Module allows you to set up additional users and passwords for anyone you would like to give access to the PBX Admin GUI.

You can then pick the individual modules of the PBX system to grant them access to. Additionally, you can give users access to all modules with a single click.


If the Authorization Type is set to 'usermanager' in Advanced Settings, note that the Administrators module will not be providing full access control, and will only used as a failover, stop-gap until it is fully migrated to User Manager. You will still be able to login with the users set up in Administrators as long as their username does not exist in User Manager.

Logging In

  • Log in to the PBX GUI.

  • On the top menu click Admin

  • In the drop down click Administrators

You should see the following:



User Creation

Once logged in, you will see a list of current users on the right.  If you haven't created any users, you may simply see the original user you created. You can click on any user to edit access. 


You should always have a user with "ALL SECTIONS" access. The name of the user doesn't matter.

You can add a user from the landing page seen above. Or, if you are in a current user page, you can click the "Add User" Link at the top of the user list.

General Settings




This is what the user will log in with. Usernames cannot have spaces and must be unique. Usernames such as "admin," "administrator," and "maint" are pretty common and probably should be avoided. Use something that you will remember. You may try your company name, or company name with "admin" at the end.


Define the password for the user. The password cannot contain spaces. The password should be over 8 characters and contain a mix of upper and lower case letters and numbers.  We do not have these minimum requirements programmed in, but you should always use good password practices when creating a password.  

Access Restrictions

Admin Access

Here you can select which modules the user is allowed to see and manage. Drag modules from the Not Selected bin to the Selected bin.



Save User:

Click the Submit button. You may now log out. Then, try to log in as the new user and make sure everything works as expected.

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