Configure IMG 2020 as SG Server





The steps below describe how to configure the IMG 2020 as a Signaling Gateway as displayed in the diagram above. The procedure will not describe the initial few steps such as configuring facilities or profiles. This type of information is assumed to be already configured however links to some of these types of configuration will be provided.

Initial Configuration

Refer to the link to configure the initial objects that need to be created before proceeding on with the configuration of the M3UA stacks and associations.

Configure SS7 MTP and M3UA stack

In the procedure below the Application Servers that the IMG 2020 Signaling Gateway stack will connect to are third party Application Servers that are already configured. This procedure will not explain how to configure them but just how to configure the IMG 2020 Signaling Gateway to connect/communicate with them.

  • Right click on the Dialogic object and select New SS7. The SS7 object is a parent or container object and no configuration is needed within this object. Refer to the SS7 - Signaling topic for more information.

  • Right click on the SS7 object and select New SS7 Network. Select a Network ID from the drop down menu. Refer to the SS7 - Network topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on the SS7 Network object and select New SS7 Nodes. The Nodes object is a parent or container object and no configuration is needed in this object. Refer to the SS7 - Nodes topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on the SS7 Nodes object and select New Primary Node. Within the Primary Node object select from the drop down menu which node will be utilizing the SS7 network that is being created. Refer to the SS7 - Nodes - Primary Node topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on the SS7 Network object created and select New SS7 Stack. This stack will be used in the configuration of both the M3UA side and the Traditional SS7 TDM side. In the OPC field enter the point code for the stack. In the SCCP field select ANSI or ITU from drop down menu, and in the M3UA Service Mode field select Signaling Gateway Mode. Refer to the SS7 - Stack topic for more information.

  • Right Click on the SS7 M3UA stack and select New M3UA Sigtran Links (Associations) and the Sigtran Links Web GUI Page will appear. The Sigtran Links (Associations) object is a parent or container object and no configuration needed in this pane. Refer to the M3UA Sigtran Links topic for more information on configuring this object.

  • Right Click on Sigtran Links Pane and select New StLink. The Sigtran Link Pane will appear. Enter the following fields.



Link ID

This is automatically populated with next available ID.


Select whether the Sigtran Link/Association will be a primary or secondary link. Since SS7 stack redundancy is not being configured, Primary is displayed and cannot be modified.

Network Appearance

Since this is a single setup, the Network Appearance is not needed


Select whether the IMG 2020 will be server or client. In this example the default which is Server was accepted.

Source Port

Enter the Port Number to be utilized. The default port for local and remote Sigtran Links is 2905.

Destination Port

Enter the port number of the remote Application Server that the Sigtran Link/Associations will be connecting to. The default port for local and remote Sigtran Links is 2905.

Local IP 1

Select which interface on the IMG 2020 that the M3UA signaling will be utilizing.

Remote IP 1

Enter the IP address of the Remote Application Server interface that the Sigtran Links/Associations will be communicating with.

Local IP 2

If there is a second interface which would be used for Redundancy select from drop down menu the IP address of the second interface.

Remote IP 2

If redundancy is being configured, enter IP address of the remote application servers redundant IP interface.

  • Right Click on the Sigtran Links Pane again and create a second signaling link (association). This link will communicate with the second AS server in the diagram. See screen capture below.

  • Right Click on the SS7 stack and select New M3UA Remote AS and the Remote Application Server Web GUI Page will appear. Enter in the following fields. See M3UA Remote Application Server - AS for more information.



Application Server ID

This field is automatically populated with the next available ID.

Routing Context

Click in the Routing Context field and enter a value for the routing context. The routing context value entered can either be the same as the Routing Context value of the remote M3UA Application Server this stack will be communicating with or be left empty or blank.

  • In this example there are two Remote Application servers that the Signaling Gateway Server will communicate with. A second Remote Application Server Object must be created to communicate with the second Remote Application Server. See below.

  • Once the Remote Application Server and Sigtran Links (Associations) have been created the stack being created needs to be bound to a specific Sigtran Links/Associations and Remote Application Server. To do this, right click on the Remote AS0 and select New Remote Application Server AS Bind. A pane like below will appear. See M3UA Remote Application Server (AS) Bind link for more information.



Sigtran Link

Select from drop down menu which Sigtran Link/Association to bind to.


Select which Signaling Gateway stack on the IMG 2020 to bind to. Select Primary or Secondary from drop down menu. If configuring a single system, the field will default to Primary.

  • In this example there are two Remote Application Servers that will communicate with one Signaling Gateway. Right Click and add a second Remote Application Server Bind object that will bind a second Sigtran Link/Association and second Remote Application Server to the Signaling Gateway Stack on the IMG 2020. See screen capture below.

  • The next step is to configure a Subsystem Number. The Subsystem number along with the Sigtran Link/Association and Remote Application server adds to the routing information. Right click on the Remote AS 0 object and select New SSN - AS Route and the pane below will appear. See M3UA Subsystem Number AS Route for more information.

Subsystem Number - Select from drop down menu which Subsystem number to use.

  • Create a second Subsystem Number AS Route Web GUI Page for routing to the second Application Server. See screen capture below.

  • Right Click on the SS7 stack and select New M3UA SCCP AS Designates. Select from drop down menu the Remote Application Server signaling will be sent to. See M3UA SCCP AS Designates for more information.



Remote AS for GTT

Select from drop down menu a Remote Application Server.

Remote AS for SSN Wildcard

Select from drop down menu a Remote Application Server.


The M3UA portion of this stack has been configured. The TDM side can now be configured on the same stack. To set up the Link Set, Links, and Routes for the TDM side, see the Configure SS7 topic and other pertinent SS7 documentation in the WebHelp.

  • The Signaling Gateway stack has been created and is communicating with the remote servers. Verify all stacks and links are In Service by viewing the Status bar which is the yellow bar at the bottom of the Stack, link, and Sigtran Link Web GUI Pages.

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