SNMP - Private MIBs

SNMP - Private MIBs



With the addition of Feature F-5887 Adding SNMP Private MIBs, the IMG 2020 now supports SNMP Private MIBs that include monitoring the CPU, Memory, Temperature, and Call Statistics.

The Private MIBs are included in a .zip file labeled bdn2020_ver230xxx_mib.zip (xxx=build number) that is provided with the IMG software downloads.

Once downloaded, the Private MIBs need to be loaded into the directory of the SNMP Manager where the MIB files are to be stored and then compiled. Below is a screen capture of the directory structure of the Dialogic Private MIB file after the file has been loaded and compiled. As displayed below, a dialogic directory is created under the private directory. Under the dialogic directory is the bdn2020 product and then all the statistics that can be monitored.

Private MIB OID Tree Mapping

The Diagram below displays the Private MIB branch currently supported on the IMG 2020.



Below is a table displaying the Private MIBs that were added to monitor various statistics. Each individual statistic such as temperature or channel group statistics are further broken down to individual functions. The main categories are as follows:



CPU Info Statistics

Memory Pool Statistics

Temperature Statistics

Channel Group Statistics

Active Alarms


The SNMP statistics need to be queried by the SNMP Manager in order to retrieve each of the statistics displayed in the table above. The Active Alarms information however is automatically transmitted from the IMG 2020 to the SNMP Manager in an SNMP Trap each time an alarm is generated.


The tables below break down each of the statistics, displays the OID of each, and gives a brief description.

*  The Query Interval configured in the SNMP Manager should be configured to equal the 300 seconds default refresh rate configured in the  SNMP Agent  object on the IMG 2020 .

SNMP Table

SNMP Entry

SNMP Entry Elements


CPU Info Statistics

CPU Info Entry (1)

cpuInfoIndex - (1)

Index #

timeOfDay 1 - (2)


refreshRate 1 - (3)

300 Seconds *See Note above

CPU Busy - (4)

CPU utilization (whole percent)

Free Memory - (5)

In Bytes


SNMP Table

SNMP Entry

SNMP Entry Elements


Memory Pool Statistics

Memory Pools Entry (1)

memPoolIndex - (1)

Index #

timeOfDay2 - (2)


refreshRate2 - (3)

300 Seconds *See Note above

Pool Size - (4)

16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 3200, 8400 Byte pools

Total Buffers - (5)

Total # of buffers for the pool size

Free Buffers - (6)

Available buffers for the pool size


SNMP Table

SNMP Entry

SNMP Entry Elements


Temperature Statistics

Temperature Entry (1)

temperatureLocationIndex (1)

Location ID

timeOfDay3 - (2)


Refresh Rate 3 - (3)

300 Seconds *See Note above

Temp Location Name - (4)


Temperature - (5)

Degree Celsius


Channel Group Statistics -

SNMP Table

SNMP Entry

SNMP Entry Elements


Historic Data
( .x )

Call Control Statistics -

Call Control Entry (1)

Call Control Index - (1)

Call Control Index

This tree contains 60 values for each SNMP Entry Element.
This consists of 12 historic values for each of the 5 signalling types the IMG supports (SS7, H.323, SIP, ISDN, CAS). 12 x 5 = 60.

Therefore for

x = 1 - SS7 current value

x = 2 - H323 current value

x = 3 - SIP current value

x = 4 - ISDN current value

x = 5 - CAS current value


x = 6 - SS7 value 5 minutes ago

x = 7 - H323 value 5 minutes ago

x = 8 - SIP value 5 minutes ago

x = 9 - ISDN value 5 minutes ago

x = 10 - CAS value 5 minutes ago

and so on.

timeOfDay4 - (2)


refreshRate4 - (3)

300 Seconds *See Note above

signaling Type - (4)

(SS7, ISDN, SIP, H.323, CAS)

outSeize Min - (5)

Minimum outbound call attempts

outSeize Max - (6)

Maximum outbound call attempts

outSeize Sample Period - (7)

Sampling period in seconds for the number of outbound call attempts

outSeize Samples - (8)

Number of outbound call attempts

outSeize Ack Min - (9)

Minimum outbound call attempt Ack's

outSeize Ack Max - (10)

Maximum outbound call attempts Ack's

outSeize Ack Sample Period - (11)

Sampling period in seconds for the number of outbound call attempts Ack's

outSeize Avg Samples - (12)

Number of outbound call attempts Ack's

setup Min - (13)

Minimum inbound calls

setup Max - (14)

Maximum inbound calls

setup Sample Period - (15)

Sampling period in seconds for the number of inbound calls

setup Samples - (16)

Number of inbound calls

connect Min - (17)

Minimum connected calls

connect Max - (18)

Maximum connected calls

connect Sample Period - (19)

Sampling period in seconds for the number of connected calls

connect Samples - (20)

Number of connected calls

Channel Statistics - 

Channel Info Entry (1)

channel Info Index (1)

Channel Statistics index

This tree contains 12 historic values for each SNMP Entry Element.

x = 1 is the current value

x = 2 is the value from the last period (5 minutes ago)

x = 3 is from 10 minutes ago

and so on until

x = 12 is the value from 55 minutes ago.

timeOfDay5 - (2)


refreshRate5 - (3)

300 Seconds *See Note above

L4 Answered - (4)

Number of Answered channels

L4 Idle - (5)

Number of Idle channels

L4 OOS - (6)

Number of channels Out of Service

L4 Wait Clear - (7)

Number of channels waiting for release complete

L4 Wait Outseiize Ack - (8)

Number of outbound calls waiting for a response

GCL Statistics -

GCL Entry (1)

gcl Index (1)

GCL (Gateway Control Layer) index

This tree contains 350 values for each SNMP Entry Element, one for each possible Channel Group.

x = 1 is the current value for Channel Group ID 0

x = 2 is the current value for Channel Group ID 1

x = 3 is the current value for Channel Group ID 2

and so on until

x = 350 is the current value for Channel Group ID 349

timeOfDay6 - (2)


refreshRate6 - (3)

300 Seconds *See Note above

groupName - (4)

Channel Group Name

groupID - (5)

Channel Group ID

inCalls - (6)

Number of inbound calls

outCalls - (7)

Number of outbound calls

inAnsCalls - (8)

Number of inbound answered calls

outAnsCalls - (9)

Number of outbound answered calls

avgHoldCalls - (10)

Average Hold Time

totAllocChan - (11)

Total Allocated Channels

dialingChan - (12)

Number of outbound channels waiting for answer.

ansChan - (13)

Total # of answered channels

disconChan - (14)

Number of calls waiting for release complete

blockedChan - (15)

Number of blocked channels

idleChan - (16)

Number of Idle channels

oosChan - (17)

Number of channels Out of Service

releaseNotNormal - (18)

Number of released calls without a normal cause code (16 or 31)

Available in version 2.3.1 and above.

SIP Statistics -

SIP Info Entry (1)

SIPInfoIndex (1)

SIP Index

This tree contains 12 historic values for each SNMP Entry Element.

x = 1 is the current value

x = 2 is the value from the last period (5 minutes ago)

x = 3 is from 10 minutes ago

and so on until

x = 12 is the value from 55 minutes ago.

timeOfDay 7 - (2)


refreshRate 7 - (3)

300 Seconds *See Note above

invitesRcvd - (4)

Number of INVITES received

invitesOrig - (5)

Number of INVITES originated

byesRcvd - (6)

Number of BYEs received

byesOrig - (7)

Number of BYEs originated

cancelsRcvd - (8)

Number of CANCELS received

cancelsOrig - (9)

Number of CANCELS originated

acksRcvd - (10)

Number of ACKs received

acksOrig - (11)

Number of ACKs originated

SS7 Statistics -

SS7 Entry (1)

ss7 Index (1)

SS7 index

This tree contains 48 values for each SNMP Entry Element.
This consists of 12 historic values for each of the 4 possible SS7 stacks. 12 x 4 = 48.

Therefore for

x = 1 - SS7 stack ID 0 current value

x = 2 - SS7 stack ID 1  current value

x = 3 - SS7 stack ID 2 current value

x = 4 - SS7 stack ID 3 current value


x = 5 - SS7 stack ID 0 value 5 minutes ago

x = 6 - SS7 stack ID 1 value 5 minutes ago

x = 7 - SS7 stack ID 2 value 5 minutes ago

x = 8 - SS7 stack ID 3 value 5 minutes ago

and so on.

timeOfDay8 - (2)


refreshRate8 - (3)

300 Seconds *See Note above

stackID - (4)

SS7 Stack ID

ss7ClearReq - (5)

Number of Release from other call leg

ss7Connect - (6)

Number of SS7 CON/ANM messages

ss7CutThru - (7)

Number of SS7 ACM messages

ss7SetupInd - (8)

Number of SS7 IAM messages

ss7Disconnect - (9)

Number of SS7 REL messages

ss7SccpToM3ua - (10)

Number of SCCP messages forwarded to M3UA (SGW Mode)

ss7SccpFromM3ua – (11)

Number of SCCP messages received from M3UA (SGW Mode)

ISDN Statistics -

ISDN Entry (1)

isdnIndex (1)

ISDN index

This tree contains 12 historic values for each SNMP Entry Element.

x = 1 is the current value

x = 2 is the value from the last period (5 minutes ago)

x = 3 is from 10 minutes ago

and so on until

x = 12 is the value from 55 minutes ago.

timeOfDay9 - (2)


refreshRate9 - (3)

300 Seconds *See Note above

isdnClearReq - (4)

Number of Release from other call leg

isdnConnect - (5)

Number of ISDN Connect messages

isdnCutThru - (6)

Number of ISDN Alerting messages

isdnSetupInd - (7)

Number of ISDN SETUP messages

isdnDisconnect - (8)

Number of ISDN disconnect messages

H323 Statistics -

h323Entry (1)

h323Index (1)

H.323 Index

This tree contains 12 historic values for each SNMP Entry Element.

x = 1 is the current value

x = 2 is the value from the last period (5 minutes ago)

x = 3 is from 10 minutes ago

and so on until

x = 12 is the value from 55 minutes ago.

timeOfDay 10 - (2)


refreshRate 10 - (3)

300 Seconds *See Note above

h323ClearReq - (4)

Number of Release from other call leg

h323Disconnect - (5)

Number of H.323 disconnect messages

h323RouteControl - (6)

Number of H.323 Setup message sent

h323SetupInd - (7)

Number of H.323 Setup message received

h323Alerting - (8)

Number of H.323 Alerting messages

h323Connect - (9)

Number of H.323 Connect messages

h323RouteControlAck - (10)

Number of H.323 Setup Ack's received 

SS7 CIC Status –

Available in version 2.3.1

and above

SS7 CIC Entry (1)

ss7CICIndex (1)

SS7 CIC index

This tree contains 8064 values for each SNMP Entry Element, one for each possible CIC.

x = the IMG internal CIC ID

timeOfDay11 – (2)


stackID2 – (3)


spanID – (4)


channelID – (5)


cicID – (6)


dpc – (7)


cicServiceState – (8)


cicState – (9)


cicBlockState – (10)


Active Alarms

Active Alarms -

SNMP Table

SNMP Entry

SNMP Entry Elements


Active Alarms -

Alarm Entry (1.1)

alarmIndex - (1)


alarmTimestamp - (2)


alarmNode - (3)

Logical ID of IMG 2020 node that issued the alarm

alarmInstance - (4)


alarmOwner - (5)

IMG 2020 component that issued the alarm

alarmSeverity - (6)


alarmState - (7)

Alarm Set/ Alarm Cleared / Events

alarmDescription - (8)

Formatted Description of this specific alarm 

Related Topics

SNMP Active Alarms


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