


Charging information can be provided via SIP-INFO header or ISDN facility information element messages to receive information on the recorded charges for the actual call during its Set-Up time (AOC-S), Connected time (AOC-D) or at the End (AOC-E) of the call. IMG 2020 DOESN'T support AOC-S and AOC-E which means only charging information received during the Active phase of the call will be interworked.

The AOC-D interworking function is enabled by default. When charging information is carried in a SIP-INFO message on one call leg, it is automatically mapped to an ISDN facility information element message to be sent on the other call leg and vice-versa when charging information is received from the ISDN call leg.

This feature complies with ETSI specification ETSI EN 300 182-1 V1.3.3 (1999-01). Please refer to this document for more information about the Advice Of Charge supplementary service.

When the network transfers charging information to the served user during the Active state, the network shall include the
 Facility information element in the FACILITY message sent to the user. The Facility information element shall contain one
of the following types of charging information in an invoke component:
cumulative charging information related to the AOC-D supplementary service. The network shall set
TypeOfChargingInfo = "subTotal (0)".
 the network shall send one of the following types of charging information to the served user:

− AOCDCurrencyInfo in an AOCDCurrency invoke component; or

− AOCDChargingUnitInfo in an AOCDChargingUnit invoke component.


The SIP INFO message header uses the format shown below:

AOC-D with charging Info currency:

AOC: charging;type=active;charging-info=currency;currency=CAD;amount=3000;multiplier=0.1

AOC-D with charging Info pulse:

AOC: charging;type=active;charging-info=pulse;recorded-units=15 



charging-info="currency" or "pulse"

  • If "currency", the following parameters are available:




  • If "pulse", the following parameters are available:



SIP to ISDN Advice Of Charge Interworking



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