Passing P-Asserted-ID with two URIs (SIP to SIP)

Passing P-Asserted-ID with two URIs (SIP to SIP)


According to RFC 3325 section 9.1 "There may be one or two P-Asserted-Identity values. If there is one value, it must be a sip, sips, or tel URI. If there are two values, one value must be a sip or sips URI and the other MUST be a tel URI". Prior to the addition of feature F-6445 Passing P-Asserted-ID with two URI's,the IMG 2020 could pass only one P-Asserted-Identity value from an incoming SIP network to outgoing SIP network. With the addition of this feature, the IMG 2020 can now pass two P-Asserted-Identity Headers as long as RFC 3325 section 9.1 is adhered to. The functionality is by default enabled and cannot be disabled. Refer to the information below.

Call Flow Diagrams

The Call Flow diagrams below display the P-Asserted-ID header being passed from a SIP network on the incoming side to SIP network on the outgoing side. Both tel URI and SIP URI formats are passed. 

Incoming - One P-Asserted Header

In the first call flow below, the incoming SIP side has one P-Asserted-Identity header with both the tel URI and SIP URI values included in that one header. The P-Asserted-Identity header is passed to the outgoing leg using the identical format.

Incoming - Two P-Asserted Headers

In the call flow below, the incoming SIP side includes 2 separate P-Asserted-Identity Headers. One header utilizes the SIP URI format and the second utilizes the tel URI format. When the information is passed to the outgoing leg, the two separate headers on the incoming side have been converted to one P-Asserted-Identity Header with both the tel URI and SIP URI values included.




There is no configuration required. The functionality is always enabled. However, in order to pass the P-Asserted Identity Header, Privacy must be enabled in the SIP Profile objects that are linked to the external gateways on both the incoming and outgoing sides of the call. Refer to the and topics for more information. 

Additional Information

  • The functionality for this feature is embedded and is always enabled and cannot be disabled through the Web GUI.

  • SIP Privacy must be configured on incoming and outgoing legs of the call

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