The SCCP/TCAP Pane is created under the SS7 Stack object. This object can only be accessed when the stack being created has both SCCP and TCAP fields configured with either the ANSI or ITU protocol. The SCCP/TCAP object is a placeholder object that allows a user to create different SCCP/TCAP services such as the Subsystem Number. Once the SCCP/TCAP object is created under a stack, a subsystem number can be created under it to allow communicating with remote SCCP/TCAP applications. See Subsystem Number for information on which subsystem numbers/configurations are available.
Web GUI Page
Dialogic > SS7 > SS7 Network > SS7 Stack > New SCCP/TCAP
Related Topics and Dependencies
IMG 1010 - Message Waiting Indicator - SIP to SS7
Maximum Objects
One SCCP/TCAP object per SS7 Stack
Field Descriptions
No configurable fields