Subsystem Number
The Subsystem Number object pane is created under the SCCP/TCAP object. The Subsystem number along with the Point Code is used by SCCP to determine routing between a local application and a remote application. The Subsystem Numbers, which range from 0-255, can be selected through a drop down menu in the Subsystem Number Pane. From the subsystem number, the Adjacent Translator can be configured.
Web GUI Page
Dialogic > SS7 > SS7 Network > SS7 Stack > SCCP/TCAP > New Subsystem Number
Maximum Objects
1 Subsystem Number object per SCCP/TCAP object.
Related Topics and Dependencies
To be able to access the Subsytem Number object, the SS7 stack being configured must have the SCCP field set to ANSI. By setting the SCCP field to ANSI, the SCCP/TCAP object can be created and the Subsystem object can be created under the SCCP/TCAP field.
Field Descriptions
Subsystem Number
Select from a drop down menu which Subsystem number will be used for routing. See Table below
Subsystem Number | Subsystem |
2 | reserved for ITU-T allocation |
3 | ISDN user part |
4 | OMAP |
5 | MAP (Mobile Application Part) |
6 | HLR (Home Location Register) |
7 | VLR (Visitor Location Register) |
8 | MSC (Mobile Switching Center) |
9 | EIC (Equipment Identifier Center) |
10 | AUC (Authentication Center) |
11 | ISDN Supplementary Services |
12 | reserved for international use |
13 | Broadband ISDN edge-to-edge applications |
14 | TC Test Responder |
15-31 | reserved for international use |
32-254 | reserved for national networks |
SSN Name
Is automatically populated with the following information:
SS7 Server - Which Node SCCP/TCAP is being configured on.
Stack ID - Which stack SCCP/TCAP is configured on.
Subsystem Number - Which subsystem number is associated with this stack.
The Allow and Prohibit buttons change the state of the Subsystem Number configured.
By hitting the Prohibit button, the Subsystem Number status will change to Prohibit and the Subsystem Number Service will be unavailable to the SS7 network by sending the SSP message to remote side.
By hitting the Allow button, the Subsystem Number status will change to Allowed and the Subsystem Number Service will be available to the SS7 network by sending the SSA message to the remote side.