Media File Location

The Media File Location object is created under the Files object and is a parent or container object and no configuration is required. When configuring the IMG 2020 to be able to download audio files the audio files can be downloaded from either an NFS Server or from the SD Card located on the front panel. The Media File Location object is the parent object to the NFS Location and Local Location objects. The user decides whether the NFS Server will be used or the Local SD Card will be used to download the audio files from. To create the Media File location object, right click on the Files object and select New Media File Location.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > IMG 2020 > Media > Files > New Media File Location

Maximum Objects

One Media File Location object can be created under the Files object.

Related Topics and Dependencies

The Announcements - Overview topic includes a list of the steps required to configure the IMG 2020 to play tones, announcements, and treatments. Within that topic, follow the correct procedure for your specific application. For information on the objects created above and below the Media File Location object refer to the links below.

Enhanced Services

NFS Location

Local Location 

Field Description



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