SS7 - Link Set - Link

SS7 - Link Set - Link



SS7 messaging is transmitted over 56 or 64 kilobit per second bidirectional DS-0's which are referred to as Signaling Links. SS7 signaling occurs out-of-band and is accomplished over the signaling links. The SS7 signaling link is configured under the SS7 Link Set object and is configured on a specific DS-1/DS-0 which is configured by the user. Refer to the information below.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > SS7 > SS7 Network > SS7 Stack > Link Set > New SS7 Link

Maximum Objects

Up to 128 links can be configured on a single IMG 2020.

Related Topics and Dependencies

When creating an SS7 network which includes stacks, links, link sets, routes, destinations, etc, the dependencies are too numerous to explain in this document. Please refer to the Configure SS7 topic for information on how to configure an SS7 network.

SS7 - Link Set

Field Descriptions

Link ID

The Link ID field is automatically populated with the next available Link ID. The Link ID field identifies the link being configured. If the Link ID needs to be modified, click in the field and select a different ID drop down menu. Link ID values range from 0 – 127.

BDN Node

When creating an SS7 signaling link, the node that the link will be associated with is configured in the BDN Node field. The BDN Node field has a drop down menu that displays all the nodes setup configured under the SS7 Nodes object.


Select which DS-1 and DS-0 the link being configured will reside on. When configuring the SS7 signaling link, any DS-1 can be used. Click in the Span field and select a DS-1 that the link will reside on. All configured TDM DS-1's located under the Facility object will be displayed in this drop down menu. Refer to the DS-1 Spans topic which has tables created that display the physical to logical span mappings.


Select a channel/DS-0 from the Span/DS-1 selected previously. This will be the DS-0 that the SS7 link will be configured on. Click in the Channel field and a drop down list displaying all the available DS-0's for the Span field above will be displayed. Select the DS-0's that the link will be utilizing.

Signaling Link Code

The Signaling Link Code (SLC) is a number (0-15) which is assigned by both ends to identify a specific link within a link set. The SLC defined in the SS7 Signaling Link Code field must match the SLC value assigned to the link by the distant end.

Data Rate

The Data Rate field allows a user to specify the data rate of the SS7 signaling link.

For T1 SS7 links with line coding configured for B7ZS, only the 48 Kbps data rates are valid.

  • 64 Kbps

  • 56 Kbps mask LSB (The Least significant bit is masked resulting in 56 kbps)

  • 56 Kbps mask MSB (The Most significant bit is masked resulting in 56 kbps)

  • 48 Kbps mask LSB and MSB (The Least and Most significant bits are masked resulting in 48 kbps)

  • 48 Kbps mask 2 MSBs (The 2 Most significant bits are masked resulting in 48 kbps) 

Electrical Interface

Some carriers allow their DS1's to be allocated for Voice and Data or Data only. Depending on which type of DS-1 will be utilized will depend on the setting below. If the DS-1 line is for Voice and Data then the DSI Channel interface should be selected from drop down menu. If however the line will be dedicated for data only then select DS1 Channel Data from drop down menu.

DS1 Channel (Default)- Interface configured for both Voice and data

DS1 Channel Data- Interface configured for data only.

Monitoring Fields

Link Status

The Link Status monitoring field displays the state of the SS7 link.

Button Functionality

  • In Service - This button brings the SS7 link in service.

  • Out Of Service - This button takes the SS7 link out of service.

  • Inhibit - This button inhibits the SS7 link. User traffic will be prevented while link is in the inhibit state. This is useful for isolating links for testing purposes

  • UnInhibit - This button uninhibits the SS7 link. Use the UnInhibit button to take a link out of the inhibit state and put back to a state where user traffic will no longer be prevented 


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