Uninstalling FreePBX
Uninstalling FreePBX
These Steps will completely erase your FreePBX settings. There is NO going back. Please make note of this and make the required backups
To uninstall FreePBX 2.11 from a machine, access the machine using the Linux command prompt:
Find and locate the ./install_amp file. Or redownload from SVN. And simply run this command.
./install_amp --uninstall
Alternatively To Manually uninstall FreePBX from a CentOS machine follow the below steps, access the machine using the Linux command prompt:
1. Drop the tables from MySQL. Access the MySQL command line interface by typing:
mysql -u root
Then instruct MySQL to drop the asterisk and asteriskcdr databases by typing:
and then
DROP DATABASE asteriskcdr;
and then type
to exit from the MySQL command line.
2. Delete the FreePBX related files by issuing the following commands:
rm /usr/sbin/amportal
rm -rf /var/lib/asterisk/bin/*
rm -rf /var/www/html/*
rm /etc/amportal.conf
rm /etc/asterisk/amportal.conf
rm /etc/freepbx.conf
rm /etc/asterisk/freepbx.conf
rm -f /etc/asterisk/*.conf