Voicemail System Options

The following options are available when checking your voicemail:


Main Menu:

"1" Listen to first available message

"2" Change voicemail folder

"3" Go to Advanced Options

"0" Go to Mailbox Options

"#" Exit

During and after a message (option 1):

"2" Skip to the beginning of the message (while listening)

"3" Go to Advanced Options

"5" Repeat current message

"6" Skip the current message

"7" Delete the current message

"8" Forward the current message to another extension

"9" Save the current message to a folder

"#" Fast forward the message 3 seconds

"*" Rewind the message 3 seconds

While in Advanced Options (option 3):

"1" Send a reply voicemail to caller

"2" Call the user back based on Caller-ID (“CallReturn”)

"3" Listen to message date and time

"4" Place an outgoing call to an external number (“CallOut”)

"*" Return to the Main menu

Note: Options 2 and 4 will function only if “CallReturn” or “CallOut” are enabled from the “Extensions” page in the administrative control panel for the user.

While in Mailbox Options (option 0):

"1" Record your unavailable message

"2" Record your busy message

"3" Record your name (used within the Name Directory)

"4" Record your temporary message/Remove your existing temporary message (supersedes all other greetings)

"5" Change your voicemail password (if your PBXtra is online, your queue password will automatically be updated within 5 minutes)

"*" Return to the Main menu

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