CallerID Lookup Sources User Guide

CallerID Lookup Sources User Guide




A Lookup Source lets you specify a source for resolving numeric caller IDs of incoming calls to names. You can then link an inbound route to a specific CID source. You can also install the Phonebook module to have a small number to name association.


Name lookup may slow down your PBX

Logging In

On the top menu click Admin

In the drop down menu click CallerID Lookup Sources


Creating a Caller ID Lookup Source

Click Add CID Lookup Source in the menu on the right side of the screen.


Source Description

Description of the source

Source Type

Select one of the source types from the drop-down menu. They are described below.


Uses OpenCNAM [https://www.opencnam.com/ ]. Note: OpenCNAM's Hobbyist Tier (default) only allows you to do 60 cached Caller ID lookups per hour. If you get more than 60 incoming calls per hour, or want real-time CallerID information (more accurate), you should use the Professional Tier. If you'd like to create an OpenCNAm Professional Tier account, you can do so on their web site: https://www.opencnam.com/register


Use Professional Tier

If you require more than 60 lookups per hour, you need to register for the professional tier at opencnam.com. Set Use Professional Tier to Yes and fill in the SID and Token fields.


Account SID: Provided upon registration at opencnam.com

Auth Token: Provided upon registration at opencnam.com


Uses astdb as the lookup source and uses the phonebook module to populate it.


Uses DNS to look up caller names. Uses ENUM lookup zones as configured in enum.conf.


Executes an HTTP GET, passing the caller number as an argument to retrieve the correct name.

Host: Hostname or IP of lookup source

Port: Port of lookup source. Default is 80

Username: Username to use in HTTP Authentication

Password: Password to use in HTTP authentication

Path: Path of file to GET. Example: MyLookup.php

Query: Query String, Special token [NUMBER] will be replaced with the caller's number. Example: number=[NUMBER]&src=customers



It executes an HTTPS GET, passing the caller's number as an argument to retrieve the correct name.

Host: Hostname or IP of lookup source

 Port: Port of lookup source, Default 443

 Username: Username to use in HTTPS Authentication

 Password: Password to use in HTTPS authentication

Path: Path of file to GET. Example: MyLookup.php

Query: Query String, Special token [NUMBER] will be replaced with the caller's number. Example: number=[NUMBER]&src=customers


It queries a MySQL database to retrieve a caller's name

Host: MySQL Host

Database: MySQL Database Name

Query: Query to run. Special token [NUMBER] will be replaced with the callers number. Example: SELECT name FROM phonebook WHERE number LIKE '%[NUMBER]%'

Username: MySQL Username

Password: MySQL Password

Character Set: MySQL character set. Leave blank for default latin1.


Not Implemented


Not Implemented

Hooking Inbound Routes to Lookups

We can now take an inbound route and, under the CID Lookup Source section, tell it to use our lookup source. Any time a call comes in on this inbound route, it will look up the number against our source. If it finds a match, it will replace the name from the Caller ID with the name in the database.

  • On the top menu click Connectivity

  • In the drop down click Inbound Routes

When creating or editing an inbound route, click on the Other tab to find the option for CID Lookup Source.

For example, below we have selected OpenCNAM for this route.

You may choose your source in the dropdown. Don't forget to click the Submit button and the red Apply Config button at the top.

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