PX GUI - Updates
This information on this page applies only to PBX versions 14.x and above. For version 13.x , please refer to System Admin - Updates#Updates-UpdatingAutomatically to know auto-update configuration.
"Admin → Updates" can be used to manage the FreePBX System or Module updates
The Updates section allows you to update your FreePBX Distro manually or schedule automatic updates. This update method is a user-friendly alternative to updating your system via the CLI commands.
Summary section will give you the complete overview of the system like FreePBX version, Modules detail and details of available updates.
Mode : Whether the system is set to edge mode or stable mode for module updates. Please refer to Edge vs Stable for more information.
Current PBX Version : Currently installed FreePBX Framework version.
Current System Version : Currently installed sangoma-pbx rpm version.
Total Module Count : Total number of modules installed in the system currently.
Enabled : Number of enabled/active modules present in the system.
Disabled : Number of disabled modules present in the system.
Last online check : When was the last time that the system check for updates available online.
Modules with upgrades : How many modules had upgrades available online during the last online check. (This number can vary as there is possibility of new modules have been released since last check)
System Upgrades Available : How many system rpm's had upgrades available online during the last online check. (This number can vary as there is possibility of new rpm's have been released since last check)
Scheduler and Alerts
Scheduler and alerts deals with Automatic update and Update notification. User can do schedule check for updates, enable/disable automatic updates and enable mail notification.
Email Address : Email Address to send the notifications to.
System Identifier : This will be added in the notification mail sent. So that end user can identify which system sent this notification if there are multiple systems.
Automatic System Updates :
Enabled - Update the system rpm's automatically during the scheduled time and send the notification mail to the mail id mentioned in "Email Address" field.
Email Only - Will only send the notification mail to the mail id mentioned in "Email Address" field and will not run any automatic system rpm update.
Disabled - Neither run the automatic system rpm update nor send the notification.
Automatic Module Updates :
Enabled - Update the modules automatically during the scheduled time and send the notification mail to the mail id mentioned in "Email Address" field.
Email Only - Will only send the notification mail to the mail id mentioned in "Email Address" field and will not run any automatic module update.
Disabled - Neither run the automatic module update nor send the notification.
Automatic Module Security Updates :
Enabled - Update the modules with security updates automatically during the scheduled time and send the notification mail to the mail id mentioned in "Email Address" field.
Email Only - Will only send the notification mail to the mail id mentioned in "Email Address" field and will not run any automatic update of modules.
Send Security Emails For Unsigned Modules :
Enabled - Send the notification mail to the mail id mentioned in "Email Address" field whenever an unsigned module is found in the system.
Disabled - Will not send any notification mail even when there is an unsigned module found in the system.
Check For Updates Every :
Set whether to check for the updates daily or any particular day of the week (Select Sunday to run the updates check every Sunday)
Select the time range when you want to run the update check.
Module Updates
The PBX GUI software is built on a modular platform. Module updates allows you to enable, disable, update, and install modules.
You can also purchase commercial module licenses and renewals here.
This module does not update Asterisk.
Please refer to Module Admin User Guide to know more details.
System Updates
System updates gives user the ability to check and update system rpm's from the GUI.
Current System Update Status : Whether the system is idle or working/updating the system rpm's currently.
Last Online Check Status : Whether the last online check is still running or completed.
Last System Update : When was the last time that the system rpm's updated.
Updates Available : How many system rpm updates were available online during the last online check.
RPM Name : Gives the names of the rpm that are available for updates.
New Version : New version of rpm available online.
Installed Version : Currently installed version of rpm.
Refresh Page : Refreshes the page.
Check Online : Will check online for available rpm updates.
Update System : Will update the system rpm's to available online version.