PBX GUI - Calendar Local v14.0
A local calendar is a calendar type that is local to the PBX only. You can add/remove/view events in local calendars
This is the only calendar type to which you can add events
Add Local Calendar
Name: The name of the calendar
Description: The description of the calendar
Timezone: The timezone for the calendar
Once you are ready hit submit
View Calendar
To view the calendar click the eye icon
You'll then see your events
Edit Calendar
To edit the calendar's settings click the pencil icon
The same settings will be presented from when you added the calendar
Remove Calendar
To remove a calendar click the trash can icon
Add Event
To add an event you must first view the calendar
Then either double click on a day you'd like to add an event or click the "Add Event" button
Event Title: Title for your event
Event Description: Description for your event
Start Date: The start date of the event
End Date: The end date of the event
All Day: If this even an all day event?
Start Time: Start time of event
End Time: End time of event
Timezone: Timezone of this event (separate from the calendar's timezone)
Reoccurring: Is this even Reoccurring?
Repeats: How often the event repeats
Repeat Every: Repeat every X Y
Ends: When the repeating should end
Click submit to save the event and see it instantly in your calendar
Edit Event
To edit an event just click the event your wish to edit in the calendar
Click submit to save the event and see it instantly in your calendar
Remove Event
To remove an event just click the event your wish to edit in the calendar
click "Delete Event" to remove this event.