PBX GUI - FreePBX HA-Alerts

PBX GUI - FreePBX HA-Alerts

In the Alerts section of FreePBX HA, you can set up some alerts. The two types of alerts the system can send are SMTP (e-mail) and SNMP (a standard protocol for sending alerts to external servers). Any time httpd, mysql, asterisk, or iSymphony has a service issue, or a server is forced to failover, an alert will be sent.

  • In the Alerts section of the High Availability module, you should see options for SMTP and SNMP alerts.

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Setting Up SMTP (e-mail) Alerts

  • Click the Manage button for SMTP alerts.

  • Enter one or more e-mail addresses to have alerts sent to. You can send to multiple addresses by simply separating them with a comma (eg, "x@y.com,z@b.com"). Be warned that these alerts are very verbose, so you should be managing them with an email filter, or post-processing them.

  • Click the Update button to save the new information.

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  • You can also click the Remove button to remove the alert, or the Abort button to stop alerts in progress.

Setting Up SNMP Alerts

  • Click the Manage button for SNMP alerts.

  • Define the IP address to send SNMP alerts to.

  • Click the Update button to save the new information.

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  • You can also click the Remove button to remove the alert, or the Abort button to stop alerts in progress.




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