PBX GUI - FreePBX HA-Alerts
In the Alerts section of FreePBX HA, you can set up some alerts. The two types of alerts the system can send are SMTP (e-mail) and SNMP (a standard protocol for sending alerts to external servers). Any time httpd, mysql, asterisk, or iSymphony has a service issue, or a server is forced to failover, an alert will be sent.
In the Alerts section of the High Availability module, you should see options for SMTP and SNMP alerts.
Setting Up SMTP (e-mail) Alerts
Click the Manage button for SMTP alerts.
Enter one or more e-mail addresses to have alerts sent to. You can send to multiple addresses by simply separating them with a comma (eg, "x@y.com,z@b.com"). Be warned that these alerts are very verbose, so you should be managing them with an email filter, or post-processing them.
Click the Update button to save the new information.
You can also click the Remove button to remove the alert, or the Abort button to stop alerts in progress.
Setting Up SNMP Alerts
Click the Manage button for SNMP alerts.
Define the IP address to send SNMP alerts to.
Click the Update button to save the new information.
You can also click the Remove button to remove the alert, or the Abort button to stop alerts in progress.