PBX GUI - API Applications

PBX GUI - API Applications


The applications tab is where you define specific applications for use with the API. Your PBX uses Oauth2.0 for all Applications. It is suggested that you read more about how to use Oauth2.0 in your applications here: 



Add Application

To add an application click "Add Application". You will be presented with four options

  • Web-server app

    • The 'Web-server App', also known as 'Authorization Code Grant', should be very familiar if you’ve ever signed into a web app using your Facebook or Google account

  • Browser-based/Single Page app

    • The 'Browser-based/Single Page app', also known as 'Implicit Code Grant', is similar to the 'Web-server App' with two distinct differences

      • It is intended to be used for user-agent-based clients (e.g. single page web apps) that can’t keep a client secret because all of the application code and storage is easily accessible

      • Secondly instead of the authorization server returning an authorization code which is exchanged for an access token, the authorization server returns an access token

  • Native App

    • The 'Native app', also known as 'Resource owner password credentials grant', is a great user experience for trusted first party clients both on the web and in native applications

  • Machine-to-Machine App

    • The 'Machine-to-Machine app', also known as 'Client credentials grant', is suitable for machine-to-machine authentication, for example for use in a cron job which is performing maintenance tasks over an API. Another example would be a client making requests to an API that don’t require user’s permission

Once you add an Application you will be presented with a list of information to utilize in your application

For example. We can utilize the above data and insert it into insomina to get our GraphQL Scheme and start making calls.

Go to the Oauth2.0 tab in Insomnia and fill in the data. Make sure to expand Advanced Options and declare a scope (See API Scope Visualizer for more information on scopes) otherwise you won't be able to do anything but authenticate.

Then click "Fetch Tokens".

Now go back to the GraphQL Tab and fetch the schema

You can now execute GraphQL Queries from within Insomnia



To view usable API URLs for your PBX click API URL List

  • OAuth 2.0 URLs

    • Authorize

    • Token

    • Resource

  • GraphQL URLs

    • This is the URL you will use to post data against for GraphQL Queries

  • RESTful URLs

    • This is the base URL you will use to REST against for REST queries

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