PBX GUI - Conference Pro-Admin Guide

PBX GUI - Conference Pro-Admin Guide


Commercial Module


Conference Pro is an add-on to the existing Conferences module found in the PBX. Conference Pro allows end users to manage conference settings from the user control panel (UCP). Admin users can also easily create conference room IVRs and choose which conference rooms are part of the conference IVR.

Creating, Editing, and Deleting Conference Rooms

Please see the Conference Module User Guide for instructions.

Conferences in User Control Panel (UCP)Adding a Conference to the Conference IVR

Conference Pro enables the option to add a conference to the conference IVR. This option is found in the Conference module (not the Conference Pro module). There, under Pro Options, you can select whether to add the conference room to the conference IVR. The default option is No.

In the example below, Yes is selected, meaning the conference will be added to the conference IVR. This option is only available in the Conference module when you have the Conference Pro add-on.


Conference Pro IVR Options

The Conference Pro module allows you to choose an announcement for the Conference IVR and view which conferences are included in the IVR. These conference rooms can be directly dialed from the built-in Conference IVR.

The conference list cannot be edited here directly. To add a conference to the IVR, or remove one from the IVR, go to the Conferences module and adjust the Add to Conference IVR setting as described above.

Logging In

  • In the top menu go to Applications

  • In the drop-down menu go to Conferences Pro

Selecting an Announcement

The conference room IVR can play an announcement of your choice. Please note, there is no default option. By default, no recording is played. You can choose from your available system recordings. To create a new recording, visit the System Recordings module.

Select a recording from the drop-down menu.

Click the Submit button, then click the Apply Config button.

You can now route calls to the Conference Pro IVR by choosing it as a destination in another module.

Conference Pro IVR Destination

To direct calls to the Conference Pro IVR, select Conferences from any destination drop down menu, then choose Conference List IVR:

Managing Conference Room Access for UCP Users

With Conference Pro, you can grant users access to one or more conference rooms in the User Control Panel (UCP). Users can then log into UCP to view and manage settings for the allowed conference(s) as well as invite contacts to participate. A user can manage and be part of multiple conference rooms. Conference rooms can be managed by multiple users.

The User Management module is used to grant or deny privileges, including access to conference rooms, for UCP users. These instructions assume that you are familiar with creating and editing users in the User Management Module. For full instructions, please see the User Management Module wiki.

The User Management module affects a user's access to conference rooms in UCP, but does not affect the user's ability to dial into a conference room directly. To restrict an extension's ability to dial into a conference room, please see Class of Service.

Navigate to the User Management Module.

  • In the top menu, go to Admin

  • In the drop-down menu, go to User Management

Select an existing user or create a new user.

Navigate to the Conferences section.

  • Select the UCP tab for the user.

  • Select the Conferences tab in the bottom row of tabs.

You should now see a screen similar to below:

Enable Conference Access

Yes / No / Inherit:  Whether to give the user access to conferences in the User Control Panel. "Inherit" means to inherit the setting of the group this user is part of.

Allowed Conference Bridges

By default, no conferences are allowed, and this field will contain the grayed-out word "Conferences" at first. Use this field to list one or more conference rooms the user will have access to. You can come back to this section at any time to add or remove conferences from the user's access privileges.

Click in the field to display a drop-down menu of available conference rooms. Select a conference room by clicking on its name in the list. You can also start typing in the field to narrow the list. 

The selected conference will appear in the Allowed Conference Bridges field. Click the X if you need to remove a conference from the allowed list.

Repeat the selection process if you wish to add additional conference rooms.


Click the Submit button, then click the Apply Config button.

Conferences in User Control Panel (UCP)

Below is a copy of the Conferences - UCP wiki, which may also be accessed individually.


The Conferences section of the User Control Panel (UCP) can be used to view conference room status and manage conference room settings. These features are only available with a licensed copy of Conference Pro, which is an add-on to the standard Conferences module.

The User Management Module controls which conference room(s) a user will be able to access in UCP.


Log into the User Control Panel.

Click on the Conferences option in the navigation menu.

This will bring up a list of conference rooms the user is allowed to access.

Click on a conference room. The conference room will look different depending on whether users are present.

Empty Conference

If the conference room is empty, you will see the page below:

Users Present in Conference

If users are present, you will see users and be able to perform various actions on those users.

Mute User

To mute a user, click the speaker button next to the name.

Kick User

To remove a user from the conference, click the   next to their name. The system will inform the user they have been kicked, then drop them.


In this section, you can change settings for the chosen conference room.

Click the Settings button in the navigation menu.

Conference settings are displayed.

Any changes you make will become effective immediately. The system will display the message "Conference Has Been Updated!"

User Pin

(Optional) You can require callers to enter a password before they can enter this conference. Leave this blank for none.

Admin Pin

(Optional) Enter a PIN number for the admin user.

Join Message

A message to be played to the caller before joining the conference.

Maximum Participants

Maximum number of callers allowed to join this conference.

Leader Wait

If leader wait is ON, the conference will not begin until the conference leader (admin user) arrives. Callers will not be able to speak to each other while waiting.

Talker Optimization

If talker optimization is ON, Asterisk treats talkers who are not speaking as being muted, meaning that no encoding is done on transmission, and that received audio that is not registered as talking is omitted. This prevents a buildup of background noise.

Talker Detection

If talker detection is ON, Asterisk will sends events on the Manager Interface identifying the channel that is talking. The talker will also be identified on the output of the meetme list CLI command.

Quiet Mode

If quiet mode is ON, callers will not hear enter/leave sounds.

User Count

If user count is ON, callers will hear how many users are present in the conference, upon joining.

User Join/Leave

If user join/leave is ON, callers who are present in the conference room will hear an announcement when other callers join or leave.

Music On Hold

If music on hold is ON, callers will hear music on hold when the conference has a single caller, or while waiting for the leader to arrive (if leader wait is enabled).

Music On Hold Class

Music (or commercial) played to a caller while they wait for the conference to start. Choose "Inherit" if you want the MoH class to remain what was selected by a previous point in the call flow, such as by an inbound route.

Allow Menu

If allow menu is ON, callers can press * to access the conference room menu. See the Conference Module User Guide for menu options.

Record Conference

If record conference is ON, the system will record the conference and save it as a sound file.

Mute on Join

If mute on join is ON, everyone will be muted when they initially join the conference. Please note that if Leader Wait is set to OFF, Allow Menu must be set to ON in order for callers to be able to un-mute themselves.

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