PBX GUI - Property Management Installation

PBX GUI - Property Management Installation

Sangoma Property Manager is already pre-installed on FreePBX and PBXact systems on version 13.XXX and above and requires no installation.
Only follow the below installation steps if your FreePBX and/or PBXact system is below the above stated version. To identify your system version please reference System Admin - Updates

FreePBX Systems (version 13.XX and below)

PBXact Systems (version 13.XX and below)

  • PBXact systems on version 13.XXXX and below must perform a system update in order to obtain Sangoma Property Manager.


License Installation

Sangoma Property Manager is free-of-charge for up to 10 Rooms, requires no license purchase or installation.

For use with more than 10 rooms, a Sangoma Property Manager Pro license is required, which is an annual license purchase

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