

User Control Panel Fax Options

User Control Panel (UCP) is a web-based user interface for the PBX. Fax Pro lets, users can send, receive, and view faxes in UCP depending on the permissions you've set in the User Management module.

Users would typically access UCP at http://yourpbxdomain/ucp or http://yourpbxIP/ucp (using actual PBX domain or IP).

After logged into UCP, click Fax in the menu to access the fax section.


From here, a user can view all locally stored inbound and outbound faxes (if local storage is enabled for the user), and send outbound faxes to anyone.



Faxes can be filed under the following folders:


Faxes that have not yet been viewed.



Faxes that have been viewed but not yet deleted.



Faxes in the process of being sent. The page will show the current status of the fax. Information updates automatically in near real-time with no need to reload the page.


  • You'll see "In Progress" if the system is still in the process of sending (or trying to send) the fax:

  • You'll see "OK" if the fax was sent successfully:

  • The system will also display messages related to any errors that are encountered, such as "Retrying" when it's trying to send a fax again after a failure.


Faxes that have been sent successfully.


Faxes that have not been sent successfully.

Fax Data

UCP displays the following information for each fax:

  • Date: The date and time the fax was received or sent, in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  • From: The user number or caller ID (CID) of the sender.

  • To: The user number or fax number of the recipient.

  • Status: The status for the fax as reported by Asterisk.

  • Pages: The number of pages for the fax as reported by Asterisk.

  • Controls: Buttons to view, download, forward, or delete the fax, as described below.

Controls (Buttons)

Throughout UCP, buttons allow you to view and manage saved faxes. In the InboxArchivedOutgoingSent, and Failed folders, you'll find some or all of these buttons: 

  • View PDF in Browser: Displays the PDF file of the fax document in your browser, if your browser is configured to view PDFs.

  •   Download: Downloads the PDF file of the fax to your computer.

  • Forward: Lets you send the fax to another recipient - either an outside number or an internal extension.

  • Delete: Delete the saved fax from the system.

How To Send a Fax in UCP

Create one or more PDF or TIFF files on your computer. Multiple pages and/or multiple documents are acceptable.

After you've clicked Fax in the main menu in UCP, click the Send New Fax button.


Basic options include Destination, whether to use a Coversheet, and the Document(s). (If you enable the coversheet, additional options will appear.)



Enter the fax number of the recipient.


This is Off by default. Click the switch to toggle the on/off setting.

If the switch is set to On, additional fields appear:


The information you enter will appear on the cover sheet.

  • Recipient Name: The name of the person you are sending the fax to.

  • Message: A short message to include in the cover sheet.

  • My Name: The sender's name is pulled from User Management settings, but you can override it here.

  • My Telephone: The sender's phone number is pulled from the User Management settings, but you can override it here.

  • My Email: The sender's e-mail address is pulled from the User Management settings, but you can override it here.


Documents must be in PDF or TIFF format.

A single fax can contain one or more documents. There are two ways to upload documents to be included in your fax:

  • Click the Upload Document button to select a file from your computer,

  • OR drag and drop files from your computer to the Drag New Documents Here area.

The uploaded file(s) will appear in a list:


  • To view a file, click the button.

  • To remove a file from the list, click the   button.


When ready to send the fax, click the Send button.

You'll be reminded that you can check the Outgoing section if you would like to see status updates in UCP.


When a fax has been sent successfully, it will be moved to the Sent folder. If it fails to send and all retry attempts have been exhausted, it will be moved to the Failed folder.

How to Receive a Fax in UCP

Inbox Folder

Receiving a fax in UCP is easy - just check your Inbox! You don't need to be logged into UCP at the time a fax is received. In UCP, after clicking Fax in the main menu, click the Inbox menu item to view the inbox.

Remember, the user's fax settings in the User Management module must be set to Store Locally: Yes in order to receive faxes in UCP. Otherwise, the fax will only be sent to e-mail.

If you're logged into UCP and have allowed your web browser to display notifications, you'll see a pop-up notification when a new fax arrives.


For instructions on enabling/disabling notifications in your web browser, please see your specific browser's instructions. Typically, your web browser will ask you about whether to enable notifications the first time you log into the User Control Panel.

Fax Settings in UCP

Users can manage their fax settings directly from UCP.

To do this, log into UCP, click Fax in the primary navigation menu, and then click Settings in the secondary menu.


Fax Settings update automatically as new information is entered. There is no "Save" button.


Fax Email

The e-mail address to send inbound faxes to when this user receives a fax

Attachment Format

PDF/TIFF/both: Which file format(s) to use when e-mailing an inbound fax to this user.

Store Locally

  • Yes: Store the fax locally after e-mailing it to the user, so that the fax can be viewed in UCP.

  • No: Delete the fax after e-mailing it to the user. The fax will not be accessible in UCP.

Outgoing Station ID

The fax number that will be displayed at the top of each outbound fax.

Outgoing Header

Text, such as a company name, that will be displayed at the top of each outbound fax page.

Coversheet Name

The name of the person who is sending the fax. This will be displayed in the "From" section of the cover sheet.

Coversheet Telephone

The voice telephone number of the person who is sending the fax. This will be displayed in the "From" section of the cover sheet.

Coversheet Email

The e-mail address of the person who is sending the fax. This will be displayed in the "From" section of the cover sheet.

Email Results

This setting controls whether to e-mail the results of an outbound fax to a sender, so that the sender can be alerted of the status.

  • Never: Never e-mail the results.

  • Always: Always e-mail the results.

  • On Success: Only e-mail the results when the outbound fax is successful.

  • On Failure: Only e-mail the results when the outbound fax fails.

  • Use Global: Use the setting that is defined globally in the Fax Configuration module of the PBX administration GUI.


0/1/2/3/Use Global Setting: How many times to try and resend a failed fax (none, 1, 2, or 3). Select Use Global to use the global setting from the Fax Configuration module of the PBX administration GUI.

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