


The WebRTC Module allows an Administrator to enable a "WebRTC phone" that can be attached to a user's extension which they can connect to through FreePBX User Control Panel, this WebRTC phone will then receive phone calls at the same time as the users extension using user and device mode behind the scenes. If you have User and Device Mode enabled any extension you enable the WebRTC Phone a duplicate extension of 99XXXX will be created (where XXXX is the original extension number), when the user then views the web interface of the WebRTC phone they will be connected to device 99XXXX which will receive calls from the original extension


Server Side


Minimum Version


Minimum Version



Certificate Manager




User Control Panel





Summary of ports and services related to WebRTC. If the PBX is behind a router, set up port forwarding as appropriate. Use the FreePBX Firewall to limit access to trusted hosts only where possible.


Default bind port



Default bind port


UCP https


Defined in System Admin, Port Management. Consider using the defaul https port, 443 to keep things simple for users.

Admin http


If using Let's Encrypt setup and auto renewal, it requires /Admin access on port 80

System Admin, Port Management



Defined in Advanced settings.

node.js (secure)


Defined in Advanced Settings. Ensure that "Enable TLS for the NodeJS Server" is enabled, as it is disabled by default

Asterisk http


Defined in Advanced settings, Asterisk Builtin mini-HTTP server

Asterisk https


Defined in Advanced settings, Asterisk Builtin mini-HTTP server


Documentation Disclaimers

This documentation was completed using the FreePBX Distribution. Results may vary on other distributions. This module is considered unsupported in other environments. This doesn't mean it won't work, only that it hasn't been tested or verified in other environments

WebRTC is a developing standard. There are 2 standards groups working on the development of these standards and both classify WebRTC as a Draft.  Within browsers support for some functionality may be added or removed as the standard is refined. Please keep this in mind if using this for any production purpose.

Client Side Environments

This has been tested in the following client Environments

Client OS

OS Version

Client Browser

Browser Version


Client OS

OS Version

Client Browser

Browser Version


















Make sure your modules are up to date

Ensure your that the your FreePBX module versions and Asterisk versions are up to date

From the FreePBX webui.  If you do not have the WebRTC or Certificate Manager installed yet, don't worry about it we will address that in the next step.

  • Click Admin

  • Click Module Admin

  • Click Check Online

  • If the module has an update available, click the module name

  • Under Action Click Update, Repeat these steps for each module. You can also click the Upgrade All button.

  • Click Process

  • A Summary window will popup where you confirm the actions

  • Once the process finishes click the Return button

Install Needed Modules

After completing the upgrade and pressing th return button you will be returned to the Module Admin Screen.  Note some updates may not complete due to dependency issues. You may wish to resolve this before moving on.

  • Once your modules are up to date click Check Online again

  • Under the Admin Category click Certificate Manager

  • Under Action Click Install

  • Click the Process button

  • Confirm the action

  • Once installed click Return

Once your modules are up to date and Certificate Manager is installed, you may install the WebRTC module

  • From clicking Return above you should be back in Module Admin. Click Check Online again

  • Under Connectivity click WebRTC Phone

  • Under Action Click Install

  • Click the Process button

  • Confirm the action

  • Once installed click Return

Enabling WebRTC

It is important that you do things in order for them to work properly.


  • From the top menu click  Admin

  • In the drop down click Certificate manager



Certificate Authority Settings(CA)

In the right navigation menu click Certificate Authority Settings



Upload CA


Host Name

DNS or Host Name

Organization Name

Name of the Organization


Passphrase used to access this certificate and generate new client certificates. If you don't use a passphrase when generating a new certifcate, then the private key is not encrypted with any symmetric cipher - it is output completely unprotected. If you don't provide a passphrase when uploading a certificate you will have to provide the passphrase everytime a new certificate is needed

Save Passphrase

Whether to store the password in the database so that new certificates can be generated automatically.

The Passphrase is stored in PLAIN TEXT! You have been warned. Use Something you don't care about or use!

Private Key

Your Private Key File


Your Certificate File

Generate CA



Host Name

DNS or Host Name

Organization Name

Name of the Organization


Passphrase used to access this certificate and generate new client certificates. If you don't use a passphrase when generating a new certifcate, then the private key is not encrypted with any symmetric cipher - it is output completely unprotected. If you don't provide a passphrase when uploading a certificate you will have to provide the passphrase everytime a new certificate is needed

Save Passphrase

Whether to store the password in the database so that new certificates can be generated automatically.

The Passphrase is stored in PLAIN TEXT! You have been warned. Use Something you don't care about or use!

Add Certificate

On the right side navigation menu click New Certificate



Generate a New Certificate



Certificate Authority

Choose the appropriate authority, You may have just the one you created a moment ago.


Give the Certificate a name


Give this certificate a brief description

Upload Certificate




Give the Certificate a name


Give this certificate a brief description

Private Key

Your Key file


Your Certificate file

Enabling WebRTC Phone for a user

  • Click Admin

  • Click User Management

  • On the right side navigation menu click the User you wish to enable




Make sure the user is allowed to login to the UCP



If you do not see the WebRTC options you missed a step above.

Enable WebRTC Phone

Should the WebRTC Phone be enabled for this user. Set this to yes

WebRTC Certificate

Select the certificate this user should use

Enable WebRTC Experimental Hold Support

Should we enable hold on the phone. This may or may not work and as the title indicates is experimental.

Submit your changes

Save the changes.

Using The WebRTC Phone

Login to the User Control Panel using https ( https://yourpbxserver/ucp )


Once logged in, click the  in the upper left, and click the "Side Bar Widgets" tab in the window that pops up.




In the vertical menu at the right select phone, and then click the  to add the phone widget to the vertical bar on the left. Activate the phone widget by clicking on it.



Once you are in a call you will have the option to "Hold/Unhold" if enabled and to Hangup.







Your browser may ask for permission to use the audio devices. You must grant this permission.


  • One Way Audio
    If you are getting one/no way audio this may be do to the fact that you haven't properly listed a stun server for Asterisk to use. You can easily define one for Asterisk to use by configuring the STUN server fields in Settings, Asterisk SIP Settings and applying config.

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