Logging into FreePBX Automatically (FreePBX 12 and above)
Logging into FreePBX Automatically (FreePBX 12 and above)
If you wish to log into FreePBX programmatically, enable 'REMOTEUNLOCK' in Advanced Settings, and then run
amportal a genunlockkey |
This will provide you with a parseable output like this:
[root@localhost tmp]# amportal a genunlockkey
Please wait...
If REMOTEUNLOCK is enabled, you will receive a value for KEY. You can use
that as a parameter to config.php, thus:
[root@localhost tmp]# |
Note that if 'REMOTEUNLOCK' is not enabled in Advanced Settings (it is not enabled by default), the 'KEY' line will be blank.
You only get one attempt to log in, after the key is generated. If you pass an incorrect key, the stored key is deleted, and you'll need to generate another.
If REMOTEUNLOCK is disabled before the key is used, it will be invalid.
The key is NOT time limited.
There is only one valid key per system at a time.
Code Reference:
, multiple selections available,