PBX GUI - UCP Voicemail

PBX GUI - UCP Voicemail

This applies to version 14 of your PBX GUI

The Voicemail widget allows you to view, listen and manage your voicemail settings.

The User Management Module controls which mailboxes a user will be able to add as a widget in UCP.


  • For each voicemail we can see the following;

    • Date/Time- Date/Time voicemail was left

    • CID- Caller ID of who left the voicemail if supplied

    • Playback - Ability to playback the recording in the browser

    • Duration- Length in Mins and Seconds of the message

    • Controls- For each message we can choose any of the following Controls






Click this icon to have the voicemail call your phone and immediately playback



Forward this voicemail to another mailbox



Download the voicemail message onto your computer


Delete the voicemail message from the system.


  • On the left side are a list of folders that voicemails can be moved to.  Clicking on any folder will bring up the voicemails inside that folder. These are standard folder from Asterisk that can not be changed


Managing Voicemail Settings

Click the Settings button in the widget title bar to continue: 

Anytime you make a change there is no save button.  All changes are instant and a green box will show up informing you your changes have been saved



  • Pin/Password: The password for our voicemail box.

  • Email Address: Email address if defined where to send voicemails to.

  • Email Attachment: Using the email address above send the voicemail as an email attachment

  • Play CID: Play the Caller ID of who left the voicemail anytime you listen to the voicemail

  • Play Envelope: Play the date and time stamp of when the voicemail was left anytime you listen to the voicemail.

  • Play CID: Read back caller's telephone number prior to playing the incoming message, and just after announcing the date and time the message was left.

  • Delete Voicemail: If set to "yes" the message will be deleted from the Voicemail box (after having been emailed). Provides functionality that allows a user to receive their Voicemail via email alone, rather than having the Voicemail able to be retrieved from the Web interface or the Extension handset. CAUTION: MUST HAVE attach Voicemail to email SET TO YES OTHERWISE YOUR MESSAGES WILL BE LOST FOREVER.

  • Auto-Refresh: Automatically refresh the voicemail table when a new voicemail arrives

Manage Voicemail Greetings

Greetings are where we can control the announcement that is played to callers with our personal message.

Click the Settings button in the widget title bar to continue: 


  • Unavailable- The greeting that is played to callers when you are not available to take their call and they go to your voicemail box.

  • Busy- The greeting that is played to callers when you are not available to take their call and you are on another call already.

  • Name- This is a recording of your name and used mainly for things like the Company Directory and other modules.

  • Temp- A Temp greeting when recorded will be played instead of the Unavailable or Busy greeting.  When you delete the greeting your other greetings will be played again.

For each greeting you can press the Play button to listen to the Greeting.



You can press the Green "UPLOAD GREETING" button to upload a new audio file for your greeting or you can drag your audio file from your computer into the "Drag A NEW GREETING HERE" box to upload a new greeting.


Pressing the red "DELTE" button will delete the voicemail greeting.

Pressing the Red "RECORD GREETING" button will prompt you to enable your Mic on your compute and let you record your greeting. 

This will only be available over secure connections (HTTPS)

Manage VMX Settings

Once enabled by your administrator VMX settings can be found by clicking the Settings button in the widget title bar: 


  • Enable: Enable VmX Locator

  • Use When:When to enable VmX Locator (If Unavailable or Busy)

  • Press 0:Extension to go to when Pressing 0. If not checked then 0 will go to the operator

  • Press 1: Extension to go to when Pressing 1. If not checked then 1 will go to the Follow-Me

  • Press 2:Extension to go to when Pressing 2

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