PBX GUI - UCP Device Management
This applies to version 14 of your PBX GUI
These features are only available with a licensed copy of the Endpoint Module.
The UCP for EPM module allows end users to customize phone buttons through the User Control Panel (UCP) web interface. Users can change button layouts and program their phone with their favorite feature codes, speed dials, Busy Lamp Field (BLF) buttons, REST Apps, and more, without the need to contact an administrator each time a change is needed.
An administrator can control which users are allowed to edit button configurations, and which phones they can edit. The administrator can allow users to edit buttons for their own phones and/or for other users' phones.
A user's changes will override the original template created by the administrator, but the original template itself is not affected. Changes are only on a per-user basis (not global). A user can easily revert back to the original template at any time. The administrator can modify the phone template in End Point Manager.
Since UCP for EPM works in conjunction with End Point Manager, the commercial End Point Manager must also be licensed, installed, and active.
Changing Phone Buttons from UCP
Click the Settings button in the widget title bar to continue:
The settings window will open with the current button settings. Available buttons and settings vary by phone.
In this example, we are looking at part of the page for a Sangoma S500, which has both line keys and soft keys.Use the drop-down menus and fields to change settings as desired. These are the same settings you will find available in End Point Manager. For each button, you can select a button type, label, value, and account (not all options are available with all types of buttons).
After you have made the desired changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select one of the options in the drop down. Then click Apply.
Save: Saves the button configuration, but does not write out configuration nor does it restart the phone.
Save and Rebuild Config(s): Saves the button configuration and writes out configuration but does not restart the phone.
Save, Rebuild Config(s) and Update Phones: Saves the button configuration, writes out configuration and restarts the phone. The system will send a reboot command to the phone. The new button configuration should appear on the phone after the phone restarts.
Reset to Template:
Restoring Phone Buttons to Default from UCP
Click the Settings button in the widget title bar to continue:
Scroll to the bottom of the settings and select Reset to Template then click Apply.