PBX Platforms - Installing SNG7 Official Distro

PBX Platforms - Installing SNG7 Official Distro

Follow these instructions for the easiest, totally automated FreePBX installation!

  1.  Download the SNG7 ISO file from http://www.freepbx.org/downloads.


  2. Convert the ISO file to a DVD or USB Thumb Drive

    1. For DVD burning On Windows 7 machines, right-click on the file and select "open with," and then select Windows Disc Image Burner. For computers running other operating systems, Google search for how to convert ISO to CD, and you'll find plenty of instructions.

    2. For USB thumb Drive follow this guide on how to copy the ISO to a USB thumb drive 


    1. Configure the computer to boot from your DVD or USB Thumb drive in the BIOS

    2. NOTE: You must be connected to the internet to run the installer.

  4. The installer will begin with a prompt to select the Asterisk and FreePBX Version you wish to install.

    1. We always recommend using the Recommended Option as displayed on your current ISO install.  

      1. FreePBX XX Installation (Asterisk XX) - This is the usual option. If the computer has two hard drives installed, both drives will be wiped and SNG7 will automatically set up a RAID 1 mirror using the two drives. Having two drives is recommended. as this will allow the PBX to continue normal operation if one of the drives has a failure.

      2. FreePBX XX Advanced Installation -  Use this option if you want to setup custom disk and raid, remove LVMs, setup networking settings as the default Installation above assumes DHCP for the install and once installed you can always change the network settings.

      3.  Advanced and Troubleshooting Options - Use this to run memory test and other linux tools.


  5. We will now be prompted with which video method we want to install with.  The options here are to pick if you want the video output to be on:

    1. Output to VGA - Use this option if you are installing on a machine that only has a VGA, DVI or HDMI video output.

    2. Installation via VNC - Output to Serial Console - Use this option if you are installing on a machine that only has a Serial Console port such as Sangoma PBX 300, and 1000s.  

      1. This will require you to connect a VNC client such as TightVNC when the installer starts to finish through the installer guide as their is a bug currently in the Linux system that does not let us install through Serial Console and still let you set your root password.

    3. Installation via VNC - Output to Serial and VGA - Use this option if you are installing on a machine that only has a Serial Console port and a Video Port such as VGA, DVI or HDMI and you want the system to output to both video sources such as Sangoma PBX 40, 60, 100 and 400's.  

      1. This will require you to connect a VNC client such as TightVNC when the installer starts to finish through the installer guide as their is a bug currently in the Linux system that does not let us install through Serial Console and still let you set your root password. 

      2. In this mode the video source will be output to both your Serial Console and Video port once the software has been installed but you will need to use VNC to complete the install process as it can not output to VGA, DVI or HDMI video source and serial port during install.  It will only output to both once the software is installed.

    4. Automatic Textmode Install - automated install sets root password to "SangomaDefaultPassword" (without quotes)

    5. Automatic Textmode Install (Serial) - automated install sets root password to "SangomaDefaultPassword" (without quotes)

  1. The last option to pick before the installer starts is if we want to install Normal SNG7 or install it in our Enhanced Mode which will setup the SNG7 to handle proper FreePBX and PBXact High Availability.  You should only pick the HA mode if you plan on purchasing the HA option for your FreePBX or PBXact system.



  2. The installer will now start


  3.  The installer will start but you will see it shows the root password is not set. You will need to click on the root password box to set your root password.  The installation process can not complete until this is done.


  1. Type in your root password and confirm it a second time and click on the Done option in the top left screen.


  2. At this time the FreePBX package itself can take 15 or more minutes to install and does requires access to the internet so depending on your internet speeds it can take awhile to install so be patient.


  1. Once the install has 100% completed it will give you a reboot option as shown below.  Click on reboot your your system is now installed.

  1. Once the process is complete, you'll reach the Linux console/command prompt login. You can log in here using the username "root" without quotes, and the Root password you selected earlier.


  2. After you log in, you should see the IP address of your PBX as shown below. Take note of this IP address as you will need it in the next step.


  3. Go to another computer on the same network and enter the IP address of the new PBX into your web browser. The first time you do so, you'll be asked to create the admin username and the admin password. That username and password will be used in the future to access the FreePBX configuration screen. Note: These passwords do not change the Root password! They are only used for access to the FreePBX web interface.


  4. The main FreePBX screen will offer you four options:


    1. FreePBX Administration will allow you to configure your PBX. Use the admin username and admin password you configured in the step above to login. This section is what most people refer to as "FreePBX."

    2. User Control Panel is where a user can log in to make web calls, set up their phone buttons, view voicemails, send and receive faxes, use SMS & XMPP messaging, view conferences, and more, depending on what you have enabled for the user.

    3. Operator Panel is a screen that allows an operator to control calls

    4. Get Support takes you to a web page about various official support options for FreePBX.

You have now successfully installed the FreePBX Distro!

For information, please see our wiki on Configuring Your PBX.


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