PBX Platforms - Upgrade from FreePBX-Distro-1.8xx.210.58 to FreePBX-Distro-2.210.62
- 1 About
- 2 Install FreePBX-Distro-2.210.62 on a separate system
- 3 Upgrade the current system to FreePBX-Distro-1.818.210.58-1 with the latest modules
- 4 Verification of desired version
- 5 Quiesce the current system to be upgraded
- 6 Back up the current (old) system to be upgraded
- 7 Old server hardware migration
- 8 Restore the FreePBX backup on the new system
- 9 Various restoration fixups and updates
- 10 New system IP address change
- 11 Migration validation, part 1 (basic functionality and data transfer)
- 11.1 Restart FreePBX
- 11.2 Reboot the server
- 11.3 Check CDRs
- 11.4 Check extensions
- 11.5 Check voicemail
- 11.6 Check phone registrations
- 12 Migrate /tftpboot files
- 13 Migration validation, part 2 (phone TFTP configurations and registration)
- 14 Migration validation, part 3 (internal calls and voicemail)
- 15 Enable external trunks
- 16 Migration validation, part 4 (external trunk validation)
- 17 Backup configuration of the new system and first backups
- 18 Next steps
FreePBX Distro ver. 1.818.210.58-1 is the last update available in the FreePBX-Distro-1.8xx.210.58 series. As the FreePBX-Distro-1.8xx.210.58 wiki page states, "This release is at end-of-life and does not have any upgrade path to a newer release track due to a limitation of Centos 5 to Centos 6 providing no upgrade path. Please use the FreePBX backup and restore module to backup your PBX and restore it on a newer track such as 2.210.62."
This page documents the steps needed to accomplish this migration and upgrade.
Tested with a migration from FreePBX Distro 1.818.210.58-1 32-bit to FreePBX Distro 2.210.62-6 32-bit using the ISO FreePBX-2.210.62-6-i386-Full-1363357527.iso
Install FreePBX-Distro-2.210.62 on a separate system
Download the FreePBX Distro 2.210.62-6 ISO file from the download page at http://schmoozecom.com/distro-download.php (e.g. 32-bit version is at http://downloads.freepbxdistro.org/ISO/FreePBX-2.210.62-6-i386-Full-1363357527.iso)
Ensure the version is the same bitness as the current installation to be upgraded
TODO: it is not known if an upgrade from a 32-bit source installation to a 64-bit destination installation works; testing below was done with a 32-bit to 32-bit migration
Install FreePBX Distro 2.210.62 on the new server following Installing FreePBX 10.13.66 Official Distro
Choose the option on the initial boot screen to install the Asterisk 1.8 version of the installation to make it as similar as possible to the PBX being upgraded
Perform the initial login to the web console and set the FreePBX administrator username, password and other details
Do not do any further configuration of the system at this time
Upgrade the current system to FreePBX-Distro-1.818.210.58-1 with the latest modules
Apply the update scripts listed in the FreePBX-Distro-1.8xx.210.58 wiki page to ensure the most current version available, FreePBX 1.818.210.58-1, is installed
If FreePBX-Distro-1.818.210.58-1 was already the installed version, check for and apply any FreePBX module updates using Admin > Module Admin. In particular, ensure the "Backup & Restore" module is up to date. As of 2013-06-01, the version of this module is
Verification of desired version
cat /etc/asterisk/freepbxdistro-version |
1.818.210.58-1 |
Quiesce the current system to be upgraded
Ensure the current system is in a maintenance window – the current server will be unavailable for normal use from this point on
Disable SIP and IAX trunks on the current system using Connectivity > Trunks > Disable Trunk to ensure the current FreePBX install does not try to connect to trunk providers after this point
Ensure that no files on the system can change after this point, such as new voicemail messages being left. The recommended option is to change the IP address of the old system to a new value to ensure it is not reachable at its old address but still available on the network.
Back up the current (old) system to be upgraded
Use the FreePBX Backup & Restore module to create a full backup of the current FreePBX configuration and files, including system audio and user voicemail. See Backup and Restore for details on the backup module's operation.
For example:
Create a new backup job called "freepbxmigrationbackup"
The items in the "Full Backup", "System Audio" and "Voice Mail" backup templates should all be included in this backup
Backup to the storage location "Local Storage (local)"
Do not define any schedule for the backup
Save the backup job
Select the new backup job "freepbxmigrationbackup" on the right and click the "and Run" button to run the backup immediately
Copy the newly created backup file /var/spool/asterisk/backup/freepbxmigrationbackup/(file).tgz on the old FreePBX system to an accessible network storage location, a USB stick, etc.
Old server hardware migration
The old server may have internal VoIP hardware that needs to be moved to the new server and configured there. This process is not covered in this wiki page.
Restore the FreePBX backup on the new system
On the new FreePBX system, restore the backup file.
Log into the FreePBX web console on the new system.
Admin > Backup & Restore
Browse... > select the freepbxmigrationbackup .tgz backup file created above
Select files and databases to restore:
/etc and all subdirectories/files: Enabled
/var and all subdirectories/files: Enabled
PBX Settings: Enabled
CDR's: Enabled
(Files and settings will be restored)
Observe the restore log for any error messages
Close the restore window when the restore is complete. The last line of the restore log should be "Done!"
Various restoration fixups and updates
Manual edits to reflect new database passwords
Upgrade to 2.210.62 (forum post – pointed out password fixup issues)
/etc/freepbx.conf manual restoration cleanup
The following error was seen in the restore log when doing a migration:
Restoring files...
/bin/tar: ./etc/freepbx.conf: Cannot open: File exists
/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
... |
To fix this up, manually compare /etc/freepbx.conf on the new system to the same file on the old system and ensure it contains the same contents with the exception of AMPDBPASS line. The AMPDBPASS should be left at whatever randomly generated password was created when the new FreePBX Distro system was installed. Typically, the two freepbx.conf files will already be identical except for the password.
/etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf password update
On the new server, edit the file /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf. Change the listed password in the "password = " line to be the same as the newly generated password listed in the /etc/freepbx.conf file on the new server.
Remove obsolete files on the new server
Delete the file /etc/asterisk/freepbxdistro-version on the new server which was placed there by the backup restore – this file is no longer used on the 2.210.62 version of FreePBX Distro, having been replaced by /etc/schmooze/pbx-version
rm /etc/asterisk/freepbxdistro-version |
Voicemail file timestamp restoration (optional)
The restoration of voice mailbox files doesn't preserve filesystem timestamps. Voicemails will still show in ARI with correct time the message was left but it is useful to have the file system timestamps match the time the message was left. To preserve these, use rsync to synchronize the /var/spool/asterisk/default folders from the old server to the new server. For example, run from the new server:
rsync --archive --itemize-changes --verbose root@oldserverIP:/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/ /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/ |
New system IP address change
Change the IP address of the new system to be the same as the original IP address of the old system (recommended)
Alternatively, if using a different IP address than before (the harder option), edit site DHCP settings (typically, DHCP option 66) and Endpoint Manager settings to reflect the new FreePBX Distro server IP address after performing validation, below
Migration validation, part 1 (basic functionality and data transfer)
Perform all these steps on the new server.
Restart FreePBX
Restart FreePBX on the new system with the command "amportal restart". Ensure the restart happens without any error messages displayed.
amportal restart |
Expected output
Please wait...
Waiting for Asterisk to Stop Gracefully...
Asterisk ended with exit status 0
Asterisk shutdown normally.
Asterisk Stopped
Permissions OK
Asterisk Started |
Reboot the server
Reboot the new FreePBX Distro server to ensure it restarts OK and starts FreePBX on a reboot
Check CDRs
Log into the web console. Check call display records with Reports > CDR Reports. Ensure historical call record data is present.
Check extensions
Check Applications > Extensions to do a quick check that all extensions are present
Check voicemail
Do a quick check of /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/(extension number) to ensure greetings and voicemail messages are present
Do a comparison of the number of files in the voicemail folders on the old and new servers. Run the following command on both old and new servers. The counts should match exactly.
ls -lR /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail | wc -l
Log into the end-user ARI web interface at http://(newserver)/recordings for a test user and confirm voice mail messages are present with the expected times. Play a test message to confirm audio contents.
Check phone registrations
Connectivity > OSS Endpoint Device List
"Current Managed Extensions" section
ensure all expected phones are listed and that the connectivity icon next to each is green, indicating phones have successfully registered with the new server (note: phones will only connect to the new server at this point if the new server is using the same original IP address of the old server)
Migrate /tftpboot files
Phone firmware and settings files in /tftpboot will be missing at this point and need to be restored. These may not be present on the old server but often are present. These files are managed by End Point Configuration Manger module,
Rsync transfer of /tftpboot files
Transfer the /tftpboot files from the old server to the new server. On the new server, run:
rsync --archive --itemize-changes --verbose root@oldserverIP:/tftpboot/ /tftpboot/ |
Verify the files are still owned by the "asterisk" user and "asterisk" group
Check for updated phone firmware files
Connectivity > OSS Endpoint Configuration
click "Check for Updates"
Download phone firmware updates if any are available
Regenerate phone configuration files using Endpoint Manager and test phone registration by rebooting all phones
Connectivity > OSS Endpoint Device List
Global Phone Options > "Rebuild Configs for All Phones" > enable the "Reboot Phones" option under this button
click the "Rebuild Configs for All Phones" button
All phones should reboot at this point
Migration validation, part 2 (phone TFTP configurations and registration)
Ensure phones reboot OK and come up normally with a successful registration to the new PBX and with the correct time
Check phone registrations in Connectivity > OSS Endpoint Device List as above to ensure all phones are listed with green connection icons after they reboot
Reset a test phone to its factory configuration and ensure it is configured correctly on a reboot using TFTP settings from the new server
Migration validation, part 3 (internal calls and voicemail)
Place a test internal call
Call from one internal extension to another and ensure the call works as expected
Test voice mail
Call from one internal extension to another. Leave a test voice mail message. Ensure the destination phone starts indicating a new message. Check the message from the destination phone and verify the message audio. Delete the test message.
Enable external trunks
At the point, the new system is ready to receive incoming external calls
On the new system, enable external SIP and IAX2 trunks that were previously disabled on the old FreePBX system
Connectivity > Trunks > Disable Trunk > Disabled: uncheck this option and Submit Changes > Apply Config each for trunk
At this point, the new system has gone live to external callers
Migration validation, part 4 (external trunk validation)
Validate trunk registration and peers
Reports > Asterisk Info
Sip Info
Check the Registry and Peers reports to ensure expected trunk registrations and peers are present
IAX Info
Check the Registry and Peers reports to ensure expected trunk registrations and peers are present
Validate incoming and external calling through external trunks
Place an external call through a SIP or IAX2 trunk and ensure this succeeds. The Asterisk live output console ("asterisk -r") can be used to view the call progress details.
Make a test incoming call through an external trunk. Ensure the system greeting, IVR, and so on are working as expected.
Confirm audio quality is as expected for external calls
Backup configuration of the new system and first backups
Migration backup job cleanup
Admin > Backup & Restore
Select the "freepbxmigrationbackup" backup job created on the old system to do the migration backup. Click the "Delete" button to remove it.
First backups of new server
No backup .tgz files were been transferred from the old server so the new server is without any backup history at this point. Do an initial manual backup of each backup job on the new server.
Admin > Backup & Restore
. Perform a manual backup of each backup job to create a backup file for each job by clicking the "and Run" button for each backup job.
The migration is complete at this point. The new server is now in production mode.
Next steps
Update the new FreePBX server with current patches
The "FreePBX Distro 2.210.62-6 ISO" image used to create the new server is not most recent code in the 2.210.62 track and the whole track has also reached end-of-life. Check the wiki page for this FreePBX Distro track and apply any pending updates or upgrade the whole system to a newer distribution track. The normal upgrade scripts described in the wiki can be used at this point to upgrade the system.
Old server decommissioning
Let a week or so pass to test the new server in nomal use
After it is known that no settings or files were missed or are still needed, securely wipe the old server to remove potentially sensitive voicemail files and other user data